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"Hurry up Amelia! I'm not getting any younger." Louis shouted at her.

"I'm coming. Tom is going to kill us both when he finds out where I went." She answered. She still wasn't sure why she went along with him. This was nothing but trouble.

"But it will be worth it." He grinned.

He had forced her to drive to a remote house just outside of London. He gave her directions and when she questioned him, he would get very angry. Now she was following him through the tall grass to the strange little house. There were no lights that she could see.

"Come on. You're going to love this." He said flinging the door open. As he raced inside, she pulled out her phone and sent Tom a quick text.

*Got side tracked. I'll be home soon. I love you*

"Amelia! Come on!" Louis yelled from the doorway.

"Fine. I'm coming." She huffed. "I hate you so much right now."

Louis laughed. "No you don't. You love me and you know it."


Amelia walked into the small one room cabin. Louis followed close behind her. She wasn't sure where she was or what Louis was up to, but she was curious. Her gaze fell on some photos on the mantle above the fireplace. As she got closer, she realized they were photos of her and Louis from when they were in LA.

"Louis? Where did these come from? Why are they here?" she asked.

"I had them printed so I could remember the good times we had. I come here when I need to clear my head or to write. It helps." He stated.

"Why did you bring me here? You know I can't be with you Louis. I'm married to Tom now." She reminded him.

"I know. I just needed to see you and show you my space. I love you Amelia. I'll never stop loving you." He said quietly. "I'm sorry. This wasn't the best way to do it, but I know you'd never come here willingly."

"You're right. Louis, please take me back to the city. Tom is going to be worried sick about me."

"You already sent him a text. You can stay with me for a little while longer." He said wrapping his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides. "I love the way your hair smells. Like apples."

"Louis." She started.

"Shhh. I just want to talk. Give me an hour and then I'll take you back. I promise."

"Fine. But if you break your promise I will never speak to you again" she said sitting across from him.

2 weeks later.........

"Marian hurry up!" Amelia shouted. "If you're late taking Ewan back, Niall will never agree to the new custody arrangement."

"I'm coming. I still can't believe he's being so cruel. He won't even let me in the house. He has his mum meet me to get Ewan. How am I supposed to talk to him?" Marian sniffed back a sob.

"I've got a plan. Just get in the car." Amelia said.

Amelia pulled into Niall's driveway and pulled Ewan out of his carseat. She grabbed the diaper bag from the backseat and came around to Marian's side of the car.

"Give mummy kisses. I'm gonna go talk to that stubborn daddy of yours." She said handing Ewan over to Marian. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

Amelia knocked once before opening the door. "Niall! I've brought Ewan home. Where are you?"

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