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Amelia, Krissi and Marian walked into the wedding venue and everything was so beautiful already and the florists hadn't even put out the flowers yet. Amelia was so excited to see it all put together that she had forgotten what had happened a few hours before. Marian and Krissi had kept her busy to keep her mind off of it.

"Amelia, this place is gorgeous. I can't wait to see it all set up for the wedding tomorrow." Marian said excitedly.

"It really is a beautiful venue." Krissi agreed.

"Not as beautiful as my lovely bride." Louis said from the balcony above them.

"LOUIS!" Amelia shouted and ran up the stairs to her fiancé. "How did you get here before me? You're always late."

"I thought you said to be here at 4?" he answered. "I've been waiting for a half hour."

"So you're late even though you're early." Marian laughed. "Rehearsal is at 5 Tommo."

"Then I'm right on time. The rest of the guys are here somewhere." He said as he walked down the stairs with his arm around Amelia. "I also talked to the minister who is going to marry us. Very nice man."

"I'm going to go look for my husband." Krissi said.

"I'll join you." Marian said as she linked arms with Krissi. "Let's leave these two alone."

Louis wrapped his arms around Amelia and kissed her. He knew they had had their ups and downs but he had never been happier than he was right at this moment.

"Just think. In less than 24 hours, you will officially be Mrs. Tomlinson." Louis said.

"It's crazy isn't it? I never thought this day would get here." Amelia replied grinning at him.

"Me either, but here we are. Are you ready for this?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Should we go join the others?"

"Sure. Just one more thing before we do though" he said and pulled a box out of his pocket. "I want you to wear this tomorrow."

Amelia opened the box and inside was the most beautiful necklace she had seen. Tears filled her eyes as she kissed him. "Thank you Louis. Its so beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." He said wiping her tears away.

They joined the rest of the group and the rehearsals went better than expected. Emery had smiles and coos for her Aunts and Uncles. Lottie and Fizzy were keeping her with them for the night so Amelia and Louis could have a good night's sleep. Especially since they were staying in separate places that night. Amelia was staying with Marian, Krissi and Ally at the hotel and Louis was staying with Liam at Harry's. By the end of the evening, they had even talked Niall into coming after Fizzy suggested they keep Ewan as well. Amelia, Marian and Krissi kissed their husbands good bye as Ally said good bye to Liam and climbed into the back of the SUV that was taking them back to the hotel. Once in their room, they all changed into their pjs and spent the rest of the night sharing stories about the boys. Ally had them giggling with her story about her and Liam and his reaction when he found out she knew who he was. Amelia had forgotten about her incident with Tom for the rest of the night until she heard arguing outside their room.

"Just let me in to see her. I want to apologize." She heard Tom shouting.

"Sir, I'm gonna ask you one more time to leave before I call the police." Ivan, her new security guy, said.

"Please. I promise I will apologize and be on my way." Tom said.

Amelia opened the door to find the security guard and Tom arguing.  "It's alright Ivan. He can't hurt me with the girls here. They will do more damage than you would." She laughed.

Just Hold onOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora