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3 months later......

"Niall hurry up! We are late for the stage." Liam shouted.

Niall gave Marian and Ewan each a kiss before dashing off towards the stage. They had finally found their rhythm on tour and were enjoying showing Ewan the different places they stopped in.  Marian had even made arrangements with Amelia and Krissi to keep Ewan a couple nights a week so her and Niall could have private adult time. Must needed adult time.

"It's about time. Let's go." Liam said as they took their places on the lift.

They knew the instant the stadium lights went out because the noise level intensified. The first notes of Hey Angel filled the area. The boys all grinned at each other and the doors opened. Show time!

Two hours later, all four of them, sweaty and full of smiles, raced back to their dressing room. To their waiting families. Niall scooped up Ewan and kissed Marian. Harry sat on the sofa next to Krissi and kissed her neck. Liam, who still couldn't believe Ally was there, hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear. Louis kissed Amelia and then kissed her belly.

"That's it boys. That show of the European and UK tour." Sam announced. "Well done. We have a couple weeks off before we head to the States. Get some rest."

Everyone cheered and went about gathering their things before heading to the buses. The last few months had been rough.  They had to stop traveling by plane because the crowds of fans were causing issues at the airports. There had been a bomb threat at the hotel in Spain that had thankfully been a false alarm. Sam had made the decision that everyone would travel by bus and stay on the buses at the stadiums for their safety. Krissi and Amelia had even gone back to London for a few weeks as a precaution. Louis was stressing out over Amelia's pregnancy and he felt she was safer at home. She had just joined them again for the UK shows.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I am ready to sleep in a real bed that doesn't move." Harry chuckled.

"Amen to that mate" Liam agreed. "And to have a nice long hot shower in private."

"Yes. That will be heaven." Louis said. "Well maybe not too private." He winked at Amelia.

"No offense lads, but I don't want to see anyone for at least a week with the exception of my wife and son." Niall said.

"No offense taken. Let's get out of here." Liam said, taking Ally's hand and walking out of the room. The two of them had been inseparable from the moment Ally got off the plane to join them in Milan.  Liam had been relieved when everyone had welcomed her with open arms and never excluded her.  The girls had taken to her immediately, making her feel like she had always been a part of their group.  He had never been so happy in his life. They spent their nights on the bus talking into the wee hours and sleeping most of the day as they travelled. He loved knowing that she was out in the audience somewhere each night and it gave him the lift he needed to perform his best each night. He couldn't wait to show her around London and his home town.  

Louis and Amelia followed behind them. Thankfully she had been able to hide her growing belly from the fans. She knew they were wondering where she was as she hadn't been seen much. There was a lot of speculation that her and Louis had broken up and that she had gone back to Tom. There was a part of the fans that were hoping for that. The comments that were starting to show up on Louis' posts were awful.  The once supportive fans were now turning on her the longer she stayed out of the public eye. Louis was upset because she wasn't as excited about sharing their news with the world as he was and they had argued about it. It was one of the reasons she had gone back to London, but the others hadn't known that.  Louis had begged her to come back on tour. She knew they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret much longer and had agreed that they would announce it after the UK tour ended.  She wondered if Louis would even make it back to London before tweeting about it and it made her smile.

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