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"Hello Chicago! How are all you beautiful people?" Harry asked the crowd.

The North American leg of the tour had started, but the atmosphere was different backstage. Amelia had decided to not join Louis on tour under the advice of her doctor. This caused Louis to be moody and everyone did their best to stay out of his way. The boys suspected he might be drinking again, but he was showing up for shows and performing so they let him be. Marian had tried to talk to him the night before and he walked off and slammed the door in her face. Niall argued with him over it and things were tense between them. Harry and Liam were in their own little worlds. Harry elated over the thought of becoming a dad, Liam lost in his relationship with Ally. Marian and Ally had become best friends and were nearly inseparable when the boys were on stage or in meetings. Ewan was loving the attention he got from his mummy's new friend.

Amelia pulled the blankets closer around her as she facetimed with Krissi. She felt terrible about not being on tour, but her doctor was concerned about her blood pressure so had advised her to stay home. Louis had been furious when she first told him, but agreed it was for the best when she explained why she wasn't going. He was obviously still a bit angry at her because she hadn't heard from him in a week. No calls, no texts, no cute hidden messages on social media. Radio silence.

"You still haven't heard from him?" Krissi asked.

"Nope. I've tried calling him, texts. I even dm'd him on twitter and Instagram. He won't answer." Amelia told her. "I'm worried."

"Well Harry said he's been showing up for shows and meetings. The lads are worried about him as well. He shows up for sound check, then goes and hides until it's show time. I don't know where he goes or what he does, but he's always back on time for the show."

"Fuck. He's not in a good mindset when he goes to hide. Maybe I should fly out for a few days. With my doctor's permission of course." Amelia said sadly.

"Only if you feel it's necessary. Don't do anything to put yourself or that baby at risk Amelia." Krissi warned her. "Lou would be devastated if anything happened to either of you."

"Yeah? He has a funny way of showing that right now." Amelia said. The sound of the doorbell startled her. "Kris someone's here. I'll call you later. Love you friend. Please take care of my Louis."

"Laters friend. Love you too and I'll try my best." Krissi said before disconnecting.

Amelia walked to the front door. She wasn't expecting anyone and hadn't ordered her takeaway yet. She opened the door and was surprised to see Tom standing in front of her.

"Tom? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Amelia. I'm sorry for not calling first but I didn't think you'd answer the phone or the door if I had." He said shyly. "I need to talk to you. It's a bit important."

"Seriously? After everything that has happened?" she sighed. "Come in."

Tom walked past her and nervously paced the living room. He mostly looked at the floor, but would glance at her then look away. He had to admit it was strange seeing her again, especially as pregnant as she was. She poured them each a glass of water and motioned for him to have a seat as she handed him his glass.

"Again, I'm sorry for just dropping by unannounced. How are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine. What is it Tom?" she asked, a bit unnerved that he was there.

"I made a mistake. A truly awful mistake."

"What are you going on about" she said. "What mistake?"

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