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"Well Ms. Blue, looks like you have a healthy baby growing there. Your blood pressure is looking good. Another month or so and you'll get to meet your bundle of joy. Do you still want to wait until birth to know the sex of the baby?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, especially because Louis isn't here to find out with me. Since my blood pressure is good, do you think I could make the trip to the States?" Amelia asked.

"I would really rather you didn't go with how far along you are, but I will allow it if you take precautions." he said.

"I promise. Thank you doctor." Amelia said before giving the doctor a hug.

As Amelia left the office, she went in search of her phone and realized she left it at home. She needed to call Marian to let her know she was coming to the States and wanted to arrange a flight. She figured the best option was a private flight, but she didn't even know where the tour would be or where everyone was staying. She felt so out of the loop. Plus she wanted to surprise Louis. She just hoped he would be happy to see her.

Tom was nervous as he passed the time before his dinner with Amelia. He hoped that she would come to her senses and realize he was the one she was supposed to be with. Not that idiot Louis. He knew from a friend on the tour that Louis had been ignoring Amelia and not calling her. This was his chance to get her back. She was all he wanted. Louis could have the kid. He wanted Amelia.

Amelia arrived home to a note on her door. The post had tried to deliver a package but she wasn't home to accept it. She opened the door and saw her phone laying on the floor by the couch. It must have fallen out when she left. She picked it up and cursed when she saw she had missed a call from Louis. Then panicked because surely something had to be wrong if he was calling her. She immediately dialed his number.

"Hi you've reached Louis. I'm probably on stage somewhere in the world so leave a message"

"Lou. It's Amelia. Is everything alright? I'm sorry I missed your call. I had a doctor's appointment and I forgot my phone at home. Please call me. No matter the time. I love you and I miss you."

She hung up and realized the time. She needed to get dressed for her dinner with Tom. It was going to be weird having dinner with him, but she wanted to make amends with him and be friends. She went to her closet and found a nice pair of maternity jeans and a cute top. She was so glad the weather had finally gotten nicer. She had been wanting to wear the cute clothes she had bought for tour but hadn't had a chance. She pulled her hair up into a bun and touched up her makeup. As she walked out of the bedroom, her phone rang. It was Marian.

"Marian. Hi! Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah great. Listen, have you talked to Louis yet?" Marian asked.

"No. I missed a call from him this morning when I was at my appointment and I tried to call him back but there was no answer. Is he ok?"

"Yeah yeah everything is great. The boys had a chat with him last night but we haven't seen him all morning. He missed a soundcheck." Marian said, sounding a little worried.

"That's not like him. Not at all. Have you checked his room? Under the stage?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah. No answer in his room. Hotel manager is on the way with a key to his room. We're all worried."

"Marian. I'm coming to the States. I was going to wait to call you tomorrow to tell you. Can you make arrangements for a plane? I think I need to leave tonight."

"Yep. I will call Sam and get him on it. Wait. Is your doctor going to be okay with this?"

"Yeah I got the approval at my appointment today. Please call me as soon as arrangements are set. Thanks Marian." Amelia said.

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