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"Marian, hurry up. They are starting the Red Carpet show." Amelia shouted from the living room.

"Alright alright. Calm your tits woman. Here take the popcorn." Marian said shoving the bowl at her.

"I love seeing what everyone is wearing. I can't believe I'd love to wear some of these designers." Amelia gushed as the first starlet graced the screen.

"And you could my love if you would attend events with me" Tom said, kissing the top of her head. "I"m off to Danny's. You girls have fun."

Both girls waved good bye and settled in to watch the show. They had all their usual snacks and Marian had arranged with Niall to keep Ewan so she could stay over instead of driving home late and possibly drunk.

"OMG! Amelia. Look!" Marian screeched. "Now we know why Krissi could join us tonight!"

"Oh wow. She looks radiant! I can't believe she didn't tell us." Amelia gasped.

"Guess you're not the only one who keeps secrets." Marian smirked at her.

"Secrets? What are you on about?" Amelia replied.

"Oh don't act coy with me. I haven't seen you this glowing since your wedding day. There's only two reasons I can think of that would cause that." she laughed.

"Oh really? And what's that?" she asked.

"You're either pregnant or you've been seeing Louis behind Tom's back." she said. "Or...."

"Or?" Amelia said.

"Or both. So which is it?" Marian said with a raised eyebrow.

Amelia bit her lip not wanting to answer. She didn't want Marian to know that she had been seeing Louis. On a purely platonic level. Marian would never believe her that they were just friends and nothing was going on. Sure he had kissed her at the cabin that day he took her there but nothing else had happened.

"Alright. Fine. I've seen Louis. But nothing is going on. I'm helping him write. Purely platonic." Amelia confessed.

"Seriously!! Tom is going to kill you. Both of you. Do you realize this? Are you stupid?" Marian shouted.

"Yes yes. Please don't say a word. Promise me, Marian. NO ONE! Not even Niall." Amelia begged her.

"I don't know. That's a huge secret. I can't start my marriage with a secret that big." Marian sighed. "What are you writing anyways? You hate writing."

"Well, I don't actually do the writing. I guess I'm his muse? I just kinda hang out and he writes. He says it's soothing and calms his brain to have me there." Amelia shrugged. "He's written so much in the past two weeks. It's really good stuff. He lets me read it."

"So that's it? You just sit in the corner and he writes?"

"I don't sit in the corner. I usually just curl up on the couch and read a book or I bake cookies. Whatever."

"Has he tried to make a move on you? Be honest Amelia."

"The first time he showed me the cabin. He kissed me. I slapped him and told him if he ever did it again, I'd never come back. He hasn't so much as touched me since."

"Wow. Are you going to tell Tom eventually? I mean if it's just a friends thing."

"I haven't decided when. I figured I'd give it some time and see what happens. Maybe Louis will get sick of me and not want me to be there anymore."

"Yeah right. Have you met him? He's in love with you! He tried to stop your wedding. Did you know that? He went on a 3 week bender after you and Tom got married. He's not going to "get sick" of you."

Amelia sighed and poured herself another glass of wine and drank half of it before refilling it. She got up and paced the floor.

"I don't know what to do. All those feelings I had for him in LA are bubbling up again. I watch him as he writes and it takes everything I have not to straddle his lap and have him fuck me in the cabin."

"Jesus Amelia. You need to stop seeing him. Right. Now." Marian told her.

"I know. I know. He's like a drug to me. What am I supposed to do?"

"I think you and Tom need to go away. Take a vacation. I hear Ibiza is nice. Or Fiji. Antarctica? As far from Tommo as you can get." Marian laughed.

"Gee Thanks. You're such a pal." Amelia shook her head.

"Speak of the devil. Look who showed up on the Red Carpet. Why is he even there?" Marian asked.

"I have no idea. Maybe he's presenting. Who knows." Amelia said not able to take her eyes off the screen.

"I must say he looks pretty good. Healthy. Maybe you have been a good influence." Marian commented.

Amelia pulled out her phone and sent a text. She smiled as she watched Louis take his phone out on the screen and smile. He looked into the camera and mouthed the words "Thank you" and then walked away. She knew she was wrong to be friends with him, but she couldn't help it. She was drawn to him.

"Harry! This place is crazy. I can't believe I'm here." Krissi said excited.

"Harry Harry. Over here. Can we talk to you a moment?" one of the reporters called.

"Hi. Just a few moments." Harry responded.

"Thank you. Please introduce us to this beauty by your side."

"This is my wife Krissi." He said proudly.

"Krissi you look gorgeous. I love your dress."

"Thank you." Krissi said shyly.

"Harry. We hear there's a big surprise coming up tonight. Anything you know about it?" the lady asked.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean" he smirked.

"Come on. We've already seen Louis and Liam on the carpet. Could there be a reunion in the works?"

"If there is, I wasn't told about it." he chuckled.

"Always the cheeky one. Thanks Harry. We'll let you and your beautiful wife get inside."

Harry and Krissi walked away and Krissi pulled him to the side.

"Is there something you need to tell me, Harold?" she whispered.

"Nope. Nada. Nothing." he laughed. "Oh wait. There is one thing."

She crossed her arms and waited. He kissed her cheek and gave her a big smile.

"I love you." he grinned then walked into the building.

Niall pulled out his phone and called his mum. She answered quickly and quietly said hello.

"Hi mum. How's Ewan?"

"He's sleeping dear. How are things there? Nervous?" she asked.

"Yes. A bit. It's weird being in the same room again." he replied.

"You boys are going to blow them away as always. Good luck love."

"Thanks Mum. I just hope Marian isn't so mad that I didn't tell her about this." he said nervously.

"I'm sure she will understand. Especially judging by Krissi's reaction to the question about a reunion."

"We didn't tell any of our ladies. Ok Mum. I gotta go. Don't forget to watch." Niall said as he hung up.

By the end of the awards show, Marian and Amelia were pretty tipsy. They were having a good time just hanging out and not worrying about anything. Marian had been pretty stressed out with wedding planning and Amelia was dealing with her feelings for both men in her life. Half empty take out containers littered the coffee table and they were both in their pajamas waiting for the show. Nick Grimshaw was on screen yammering on about something and laughing at his own jokes as he was prone to do. Then he introduced James Corden who was standing in the audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my great honor to announce our next performers. After nearly 3 yrs apart, the wait is over. I give you the newly reformed........ ONE DIRECTION!!!"

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