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It had been three weeks since Amelia had told Tom about the baby. He had hung up on her and refused to answer when she called. He was acting like a child himself and she was too tired to deal with him. She still hadn't told the others. Krissi had a family emergency come up so despite being fired by Tom weeks ago, she still hadn't joined them on tour. Amelia was excited though because she was arriving within the hour and she couldn't wait to see her.

"Love, are you nervous about telling Marian and Krissi about the baby?" Louis asked as they laid in bed.

"A little. I know Marian is going to be mad because I hadn't told her sooner. Plus she's still mad that I took Niall side over hers. She doesn't seem to understand that I get where Niall was coming from. Tom once told me that he hated when Gi was on tour with him. He felt torn in half between her and the band. It's part of the reason I didn't want to come with you. If it wasn't for Simon offering me a job, I wouldn't be here. I'm just glad they've put it behind them. For now." She said stretching out.

"I get that, but he wasn't very nice to her about it. He's never had to deal with having a girlfriend or wife on tour with him in the past. He was always the single one. He just went about it the wrong way. I used to hate when El was on tour too. I felt like I had to entertain her when I wasn't on stage and it got old fast. That's why she usually didn't stay for the whole thing. Niall and Marian just need to find a balance. I saw that she's become friends with Ellie." Louis said.

"Yeah she has. I'm happy about that. Ellie has a lot more downtime that I do so I"m glad she's found someone to hang with." Amelia said. "As for Krissi's reaction. I'm not sure. I've barely gotten to talk to her lately. It's been awkward calling her when she was working for Tom. I could hear him in the background telling her to ask me questions and making comments."

"I'm glad she doesn't work for him anymore." Louis said getting out of bed. "Are you going to make him move out of your house?"

"I'm still thinking about it. I mean, I'd hate to leave it empty, but knowing that he's screwing other women in that house makes me mad." she said.

"Why don't you sell it? You can move in with me." Louis suggested. "I mean we might as well live together since we're having a baby together."

"And what happens if this baby isn't yours?" she asked.

"I will love it and raise it as if it is mine. I've told you this already. Paternity doesn't make one a dad." he assured her. "Now get up and get dressed. We've got a big announcement to make remember."

Amelia laughed as she crawled out of the bed. "I love you. I'm such a lucky girl."

"Damn right. Now get going." Louis said swatting her behind. "I can't wait to see the shock on everyone's faces."

Harry could hardly keep still as he waited for Krissi's flight to land. He had been waiting for weeks to see her and the day was finally here. He had planned her arrival for one of their longer breaks so they could spend as much free time together as possible. He knew Amelia had asked that they all have dinner tonight and he had reluctantly agreed. Krissi had asked him to play nice and that they had plenty of time to spend together.

"Harry, I think Krissi's flight has just landed. I"m going to check to see which baggage claim her stuff will be at." Sam told him.

"Thanks Sam. I'm just so happy she's finally in the same country as me." Harry said getting up and pacing.

Krissi was so excited to see Harry. The past month had gone by so slowly. She just wanted to see him and touch him and kiss him. She had missed him terribly. She was practically running through the airport after she had gotten off the plane. She saw him pacing by the baggage area and her breath caught in her throat. It always surprised her that this beautiful man was hers and that he loved her.

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