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Louis reached over Amelia's sleeping body and grabbed his phone off the table. They had made love, devoured a whole pizza while watching a movie then made love again on the couch. He was going to do everything he could to make her never want to be with Tom again.  He had forgave her for sleeping with him. They had never said they were in a relationship so to him, it wasn't cheating. Not to mention Tom had been her "husband" for nearly a year. There were bound to still be some feelings there. He read his texts from Simon telling him that Amelia hadn't shown up for their meeting. He replied telling him that she hadn't been feeling well earlier and forgot to cancel.

"Who are you talking to?" she mumbled.

"I was texting Simon. Did you have a meeting with him today?"

"Oh shit. I forgot about it. He's going to hate me now." she said sitting up suddenly and grabbing her own phone. "I don't even know what he wanted to talk to me about. I'm assuming he knows about us."

"it's alright I took care of it.  He knows we're friends, but not that we're sleeping together." Louis said. "That reminds me. We need to talk about that."

"About sleeping together? Babe I think we do more than just sleep." she giggled.

"Funny Meli.  Actually. I was thinking that maybe we should define what this is we're doing. Ya know. like are we allowed to see other people? Can we sleep with other people? What are we doing here?" he said getting serious.

"Well I hadn't really thought about it. I mean, I thought we were going to see where this took us. Not put a label on it.  Do you want us to be exclusively with each other?" she asked.

"Yes.  I don't want to share you Amelia. Not with Tom or anyone else. Do you think that's possible?" he said taking her hand.

"I don't know what I want.  I want to be with you and as angry as I am at Tom, a part of me still wants him too. I told you I was leaving my options open. If you can't deal with that, then we might as well end this now" she said getting up.

"I don't want to end it.  I know what you told me. But I don't know if I can be ok with you sleeping with both of us.  You can't hop from my bed to his whenever you feel like it.  That's selfish and unfair. To me and to Tom." he said trying not to get angry. "I'm going to go home.  Maybe you just need some time to sort yourself out."

"Louis. Please don't go. I'm sorry." Amelia pleaded.

"I'll be busy all day tomorrow so don't bother getting in touch.  Don't forget to call Simon in the morning." he said as he pulled on his clothes and grabbed his keys.  He kissed her on the cheek and walked out the door.

"Fucking hell.  I've done fucked this up again." she shouted to the empty room.

She had started cleaning up the pizza box and glasses when she saw the envelope with her name on it. She set the box aside and opened the letter. She recognized Toms handwriting and started reading.

"My dearest Amelia,I suspect after our conversation this afternoon that you won't want to speak to me for a while.  I know what I did was wrong. I betrayed the wedding vow that made to you. Even if we weren't truly married in the eyes of the law, in my heart we were. I want to apologize in advance for any embarrassment I might cause you if or when this story comes out in the media. It was never my intention to hurt you.  I want you to know that I love you and want only the best for you. I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my indiscretion and betrayal as well as the accusations I hurled at you in regards to Louis. I was a jackass for not believing you when you said you were only friends and had not compromised our marriage. If you want to talk again, please call me. If not, I will understand. Yours always,Tom"

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