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Amelia and Louis spent the rest of the weekend in bed watching movies, making love and getting to know more about each other. They explored each other's minds as much as they explored their bodies. As much as they didn't want the weekend to end, Louis knew he had to go to meetings on Monday morning for the tour. He wanted to ask her to go on tour with him, but if they couldn't be seen in public together, he wasn't sure how that would work.

"Hello. Earth to Lou." Amelia said waving a hand in front of his face. "Babe, where are you?"

"Huh? Oh sorry. I was just thinking."

"Obviously. You were a million miles away. I was trying to ask you what you wanted to do tonight."

"Actually, I should probably head back to mine tonight. As much as I'm loving being here with you, I have meetings all day tomorrow. Tour stuff." He said.

"Oh. Alright. I get it. Important band stuff." She replied.

"Love, if it wasn't important and necessary, I would never leave this bed or you. But I have to be there." He said kissing the top of her head. "How about dinner tomorrow night at my place?"

"You're going to cook?" she joked.

"Of course not. There's this great curry place by mine that you will love." He laughed.

"Alright. That sounds good. I've never been to your place here." She told him.

"I guess I should probably clean the place up then." He said getting out of bed and pulling on his jeans.

He leaned down and kissed her quick before pulling his shirt over his head. Amelia leaned back in bed and watched him get dressed. The past two days had been pure heaven for her. Her body ached but in a satisfying way. She grabbed her own t-shirt and followed Louis out of the bedroom. She hated to see him leave, but knew he had things to do. He pulled her close and kissed her again before opening the door. He walked down the driveway and looked back once and blew her a kiss. She grinned like a crazy person at how cute he was. She waved to him and closed the door. She let out a sigh and was headed back to her bedroom when she heard her phone ring.

"Hi Marian." She answered. "How was the honeymoon?"

"It was amazing and perfect." Marian replied and Amelia could hear the smile in her voice.

"Wonderful. I'm happy to hear that."

"So. I was wondering if you were busy right now?" Marian asked.

"Not at the moment. What's up?"

"Do you mind if I come over? I need your help with something." Marian told her.

"Sure. I was just getting in the shower, but I won't be long."

"Great. I'll see you soon." Marian said and hung up.

Marian walked into Amelia's house and she could hear her singing from the bathroom. She laughed to herself as she made her way to the kitchen to get herself a drink while she waited. She reached for a glass and noticed the dishes in the sink. The two wine glasses seemed odd. She got herself some water and sat at the breakfast bar.

"Amelia! I'm here." Marian shouted not sure if she would hear her over the singing.

"Ok I'll be right out." Amelia yelled back surprised that Marian was already there.

Marian pulled out the notebook she had brought with her with the list of names for the guest list to Ewan's party. She had all the usual people on there and didn't even argue when Niall insisted on inviting Harry and Krissi. She was writing the list of food ideas when Amelia appeared in the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her head and a baggy t-shirt on.

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