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The next couple of weeks flew by and everyone was happy when it was time to head back to London for Christmas and a well-deserved break. The tour wasn't starting up again until March, but they had promo stops to do. Amelia had handed over the reins of the girls to Liz in Japan and Liz had done a great job. It was just too bad the girls weren't continuing with the tour in the UK and Europe. Another band was taking their place. Before leaving back to the US though, Tilly had told her that Lexi had been released from the hospital and her father had taken her back to LA. She seemed to be doing better but would have a long road of therapy ahead of her.

"Amelia. Are you and Louis spending Christmas with us or with his family?" Marian asked.

"To be honest, we haven't really decided. I know he wants to be there for at least Christmas morning. Are you and Niall going to be able to make the surprise party for Louis' birthday?" she asked.

"Yep. Maura and Bobby are staying with us that whole week. Niall doesn't know it yet though so shh."

"Oh wow. He will love that!" Amelia said.

"Does Louis family know you're pregnant?" Marian asked. "I know you're waiting until your testing is done before making it public, but do they at least know?"

"No. We are going to tell them when we go up this weekend. My appointment is on Tuesday and we are going there on Thursday. Louis is so excited. I just hope he's not disappointed." Amelia sighed.

"Girl. There's no way he's going to be disappointed. Even if this is Tom's baby, Louis will love him or her all the same. Trust me." Marian said.

"I know. I guess we'll know soon enough right?" Amelia said. "Come on. Sam is motioning for us to hurry. Doesn't he know I have to pee like a million times?"

"I'm just ready to get on this damn plane and get home to see my son. I miss him terribly." Marian said as they walked to the plane.

Louis and Amelia walked into the doctor's office a few days later for Amelia's first baby checkup. They had asked for an ultrasound and wanted to discuss the paternity testing with the doctor. Louis was dying to know if he was the father or Tom. It was causing him to stress out and he wasn't sleeping well. He was relieved that Amelia was such a sound sleeper and hadn't noticed. He was afraid he was going to slip back into old habits to help him sleep and he didn't want that.

"Ms. Blue, you can come back now." the nurse told her.

They both walked back to the exam room, where the nurse gave Amelia a gown to change into. She was incredibly nervous about this appointment. Louis sat on the chair next to the exam table, chewing his nails. Amelia hopped up on the table and held his hand, trying to calm both of them.

"This is so weird." she said with a laugh.

"I know. Thank God this doctor's office is known for being discreet about its patients." he sighed.

The doctor walked in and they both let out a breath. "Hi Amelia. I'm Dr. Nabi. Is this your"

"My boyfriend, Louis. Pleasure to meet you." Amelia said too quickly.

"Ah. Louis. Pleasure. What do you say we take a peek at the little passenger you have and then we can talk." the doctor joked.

Amelia suddenly felt much more relaxed. She liked this doctor already. She gave Louis a nod and a smile and he let out the breath he was holding.

"Sounds like a plan" Louis said.

"Now we won't be able to see much with a traditional ultrasound. Are you ok with doing it another way?" the doctor asked.

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