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Liam had disconnected the call as soon as Ally had said his name and was avoiding her text messages. He hadn't wanted her to know who he was until he was ready to tell her. Now he was embarrassed and didn't know what to say to her. He felt like a jerk for not answering and Josh had already called him out for being a jerk to everyone around him.

"Dude what is your problem today?" Josh asked. "You're being an asshole today."

"I don't want to talk about it" Liam shrugged.

"Well whatever is going on, fix it. Sam will have your ass if you're still like this for the show tonight"

"Hey. I'm a pro. I won't take it to the stage. Don't you have some drum practice to do or something?"

"yeah. I'm gonna go pretend the drums are your face, asshole." Josh laughed. "Seriously man, if you need to talk about something."

"Nah I'm good. I'll be good for the show." Liam said and walked back to his room.

He pulled his phone out and pulled up Ally's messages.

*sorry I've been an asshole*

He didn't think she would answer. Her last few messages had a tone to them that she just wanted him to leave her alone. The truth was that he really liked her. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

*oh look who remembered how to turn their phone on*

He smiled at her reply.

*do you hate me?*

*No Liam. I don't but I'm pretty pissed that you hung up on me and then ghosted me for 3 days.*

*I'm sorry love. I just was embarrassed and freaking out that you knew who I really was.*

*I don't care who you are. You're just Liam. Travelling salesman*

He laughed at that last comment and dialed her number via FaceTime. She picked up immediately.

"Hi" she said.

"Hey. I guess I don't have to hide behind texts anymore." He said.

"Nope. Liam. Your secret is safe with me. I haven't told anyone who my Liam is." She replied.

"Your Liam? I like how that sounds." He smiled. "Does this mean you're not going to stop talking to me then?"

"Not a chance. You're stuck with me Payne." She teased. "There's something exciting and sexy about knowing I've been getting to know this huge star and no one else knows."

"You're enjoying this?" he asked.

"hell yes. Besides, now I have a face to picture when I fantasize." She said with a wink.

"Jesus. You're incorrigible." He laughed. "Ally, I truly am sorry for doing what I did. I just panicked."

"I get it. No worries. So how's Tokyo?" she asked.

"Lonely, but it's ok. Especially now that I know you're not mad at me."

"I have a confession to make though." She said. "I am a fan of you and the boys. Not a crazy oh my god I know all their business fan, but a fan nonetheless. Does that change things?"

"Not at all. Amelia was a huge fan before her and Louis met. She's probably still fangirling over him." he joked.

"Does the fact that Niall is, I mean was, my fave change it?" she teased.

"Not at all. Niall is fantastic. He'd be my fave too. He's handsome and funny and loyal." Liam said. "And very married."

She laughed as he talked about Niall. "Now who's fangirling?"

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