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Amelia knew Marian and Krissi thought she was mental for meeting Tom for dinner but for some reason she felt she owed him a dinner after last time. It was only dinner after all.

"Lou, where are you?" she shouted as she walked into the house.

"Shhh. I just got Emery back down for a nap, love." Louis said kissing her cheek. "She woke up in a terrible state and I finally got her back to sleep."

"Sorry babe.  You're such a good daddy." Amelia said wrapping her arms around him. "So I ran into Tom at the café today."

"Oh really? How did that go?" he said sitting on the sofa. "Marian didn't strangle him?"

"No, but I'm pretty sure she wanted to." She chuckled. "Actually I agreed to go to dinner with him to celebrate you and I getting married."

"You did what? Amelia. Is that such a good idea?" Louis asked surprised.

"It's only dinner. Come on Lou. You know you hold my heart. I'm marrying you." She said snuggling into him.

"I guess. Where are you having dinner?"

"At the house. Figure that's best to avoid paps and the like."

"Absolutely not! I don't want you alone with him Amelia. Please." Louis pleaded.

"Alright. I'll text him and tell him to meet me at the pub down the street. Is that better?"

"yes love. Thank you." He said kissing her head.

"I'm also having a girls only slumber party at Marian's after. Her and Krissi wanted one last night to hang out before we got married."

"Alright love. Daddy duty for me. Maybe I'll invite the lads over to hang."

Amelia grabbed her phone and sent Tom a text telling him about the change of plans for the night. He didn't seem too happy about it but he agreed.  She texted Marian and Krissi to make sure they were still on for a girls' night slumber party afterwards. She then texted Ally to invite her as well. It was time to include her in their girls' nights. Something told her that Ally was going to be around for a long time. She kissed Louis quickly before going up to change clothes and refresh her makeup.

Krissi had Harry get a bunch of blankets and pillows and put them in the living room.  She had snacks and drinks ready for the gals. It was going to be a weird not getting drunk at one of their slumber parties but this was a step in direction of adulthood she laughed to herself. 

Tom got to the pub before Amelia and asked to be sat at a quiet table in the back. He had only tonight to convince her not to marry Louis. That she was meant to be with him.  He loved her and regretted the day he let her go.  His eyes lit up when he saw her walk into the pub and search the room for him. He waved and she headed to the table.

"Hi there. Been here long?" she asked.

"No. Just a couple minutes.  Drink?" he asked.

"Yes please." She said as she sat down.

Tom waved the waitress over and ordered a bottle of wine for them.  He knew Amelia loved red wine and he hoped it would help loosen her up.  They each looked at the menu and placed their orders.

"So you are really going to marry him?" Tom asked.

"yes I am. I'm sorry Tom. I love him and he means the world to me. Him and Emery are my life and my future." She said. "You know things between us wouldn't have worked out. We don't have the trust that we needed."

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