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Amelia followed Stan into the little house. She had met him when he came out to visit Louis in LA and they had hit it off. He promised her if she ever needed someone, he would be there and he here he was.

"So what happened? Does this involve Lou? Do I need to kick his ass?" Stan quizzed her.

She simply shook her head and told him everything. Starting with the first time she sat with Louis while he wrote, the day of their picnic after meeting in the park, the texts she was getting and finally her argument with Tom and him leaving. Stan hugged her and handed her a tissue to wipe her tears.

"I have to tell you something." He said. "Louis has been getting texts too. He doesn't know the number they are coming from."

"What? What do they say?" she asked.

"The first one said he shouldn't mess with married women and the next one said that he's been a bad boy and would pay for it." He told her.

"Oh my gosh. Who would do this? It's so sick." She said. "The same person sent me a picture of Tom, naked in a hotel room with lipstick on him."

"I don't know who would do this, but I have my suspicions." He said. "I am trying to figure it out."

"It's obviously someone who hates me a whole lot and doesn't mind Louis getting caught in the crossfire." She suggested.

"I think you might be right. "he said. "Amelia I need you to be honest with me now. I need to know how you really feel about Louis. He's very vulnerable right now. He's so in love with you that his judgement is skewed."

"If I'm being honest, I don't know. I mean. I love my husband. I truly do. But Louis ignites something in me. Something I've never felt with Tom. He sets me on fire with just a look." She said as she started to pace the room. "I don't trust myself with him. When I'm around him, I forget myself."

"Damn. Sounds like you have it just as bad as him. I haven't seen the two of you in a room together since LA, but it sounds like that room would combust if you were together." He laughed.

"You're probably right." She sighed.

"So what are you going to do now? Are you going to wait for Tom to come home?" Stan asked.

"I don't know. I mean he's going to have to come home eventually. All his stuff is there. He can't avoid me forever." She mumbled.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Why don't you go home, take a long bath, drink some wine and call me later? I've got some stuff I need to get done." He told her.

"Alright. Thanks again for being there for me. You're the best." She said hugging him.

"You're not so bad yourself. And if Louis and Tom don't want you, I'll take you." He teased.

"In your dreams, Stanley." She laughed.

Amelia called Marian on her way home. She had to tell her about Tom and figure out what to do next.

"Amelia? Why are you calling me at 7am?" Marian grumbled as she answered the phone

"Good morning to you too. I need to talk to you. Can I come over?" Amelia asked.

"Sure. Let me go put some coffee on." She replied.

"Ok I'll pick up some pastries on my way." Amelia said.

"This better be important if you're asking me to eat pastries a week before my wedding" she joked.

"Trust me. It's very important. See you soon" Amelia said before she hung up.

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