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The police had been called and everyone who was able to had gone to search for Lexi. Amelia stayed back at the hotel with Louis and Liam just in case she came back. Amelia was getting nervous as the time ticked by with no sign of Lexi. Liam pacing the floor didn't make things any better.

"Liam. Can you please stop pacing?" Amelia asked. "It's not helping."

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried." he said.

"Why do you care so much about her? She's only using you for a quick lay." Amelia told him.

"She's nice to me. And we have fun. I'd hate to think something happen to her." he replied.

"She's probably hiding somewhere laughing at all of us. That's who she is." Bekka said walking into the room. "It's a game to her."

"I hate to say it, but you're probably right." Amelia admitted.

"I'm sorry Amelia. I should have come to you before. Lexi is trying to get you removed from the tour." Bekka told her.

"What? Why?"

"Because she wants what you have. She thinks with you gone, she will get it." Bekka said sitting on the couch. "She's a spoiled brat who thinks she should always get what she wants because her daddy has money."

"Then why are you in a band with her?" Liam asked.

"Because I love making music and it was my chance to see the world." she answered.

"Wait. What do you mean she wants what I have?" Amelia sked.

"Louis. She wants Louis." Bekka sighed. "She thinks if you're out of the picture, he will fall for her and they can be together."

"That's crazy." Louis laughed.

"Yes it is, but it's how she thinks. I'm sorry Liam. She's using you. She's a terrible person." Bekka said. "But I really hope she's ok. I'd hate to think something bad has happened to her."

Amelia's phone rang and they all jumped at the sound.


"Amelia. We found Lexi. You need to come to the rooftop." Sam told her. "And bring Louis."

"They found her." she said as she hung up with Sam. "Louis, Sam wants you and I to meet him on the rooftop."

Louis, Liam, Bekka and Amelia all headed to the rooftop. They spotted Sam standing in the corner looking anxious. Lexi was crouched in the corner, her black mascara running down her face. Sam looked to be pleading with her.

"Lexi, come on. Don't do this. Please." Sam said.

"Shut up! Where's Louis? I heard you tell Amelia to bring him up here." Lexi shouted.

"I'm right here." Louis said. "Lexi what are you doing?"

"Louis. You need to tell Amelia about us." Lexi said.

"What are you talking about? There is no us." he said confused.

"Yes there is! Tell her how you've been coming to my room at night and fucking me until the early morning." Lexi yelled at him.

Liam looked at Louis and was about to say something but Lexi kept going.

"Tell her how you love when I suck your cock. You love it so much you begged me to suck you off before you went on stage last night. Don't you remember?"

"Louis? What is she talking about?" Amelia asked.

"I have no idea. None of that happened." he told her.

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