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"Hi Marian. Niall said you wanted to see me?" Louis said popping his head in the door.

"Hey, Louis. Thanks for coming, how is Niall doing? Is he nervous?  Harry isn't getting inside his head, trying to prevent this wedding from happening" She said reaching out to take his hand. "You have no idea how much you support of my relationship with Niall means to me" She said blinking back her tears not wanting to mess up her makeup.

"Well I've banned Harry from the room if that helps?  Niall is fine. He's just ready to get this over with." Louis said pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket and blotting her tears. "Come on now love. Can't have you messing up this perfect makeup."

"My nerves are on edge, I am so freaked out something is going to happen to prevent Niall and I from becoming man and wife." She sighed. "Anyways I want to talk to you about Amelia and the real reason you asked El to marry you".

"Oh boy. I had a feeling this was coming." He grumbled.

"I've come to the realization that Amelia will never be mine and I don't want to be alone anymore. El has always been there for me." he explained.

Marian gave Louis her best motherly look. She knew it ran deeper than that.

"You are the only band member to support me, so I want to be there for you as well. No matter what. I know there is more to it, you love her. I can see it every time she is mentioned or is around." She imparted.

"Ok. I'm only telling you this because you're her best friend." He shrugged.

"I love her. With every ounce of my being. If you asked me, I'd tell you she hung the moon and set the sun on fire.  I'd give anything to have her. I love everything about her. The way her hair glistens in the sun. How her nose scrunches when she laughs. The annoying way she sits with her feet under my shirt when they are cold. Everything! It's maddening."

"I knew it, ever since LA I have thought you were in love with her. I tried to tell her it was more than just sex, but she is so extremely stubborn. She didn't want to Believe the two do you were meant to be, but I had a feeling" Marian noted.

"If Niall and I can make it to the Altar with the amount of people who would prefer Niall to find someone better more on his level. The ones that said I am nothing but a gold digger who trapped him." She said dabbing at her eyes. Don't lose faith, in your love for Amelia. Don't get married to Eleanor" she insisted.

"I don't know. I don't think she will ever leave Tom. She chose him over me. I feel like a pathetic loser pining away for someone who I will never get to have." he said dabbing at his own tears.

"You are right, screw everyone else. Why don't we forget about today and go get a drink at a bar? Drink our troubles away. It will never end well right. So what's the point" she said then hugged him.

"Oh no young lady! You are going to walk your sweet ass down that aisle and put that Irishman out of his misery!!" He shouted. "Don't let my dumb decisions ruin your day!"

"You think my ass is sweet" She mused.

"This isn't all about you Tommo. I have my own idiotic thoughts as well" she sighed. "What is the point, as soon as they get to the part in the ceremony and they ask doesn't anyone object to this union. Speak now and or Hold your peace"

"One or more people will stand up and object" she frowned.

"Nope. Won't happen. I've paid them all off. Seriously Marian. The only one who objects is Harry but he's an ass.  We've all threatened him that he better keep his mouth shut." He grinned at her.

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