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Lexi looked over to see Amelia and Liam talking. She wasn't sure if she should be worried or happy.  She didn't give a fuck if Amelia knew they were sleeping together. She wasn't her mother and couldn't tell her who she could sleep with. Plus, Liam was single and free game.  She just hoped that Liam wouldn't tell about her tweet he saw.  She hadn't meant for him to find out that she was the person behind one of the update accounts.  She had started the account long before she was in the band with Tilly and Bekka. Even they didn't know about it.  She had accidentally left the account open on her phone and Liam saw it.  He thought it was funny until he saw the tweet about Amelia and Louis.

"What do you mean it might be too late?" Amelia asked.

"Well, I saw a tweet last night." Liam replied.

"What tweet? What are you talking about?" Amelia said getting upset.

"It was just one of those 'Is Tommo the new womanizer of 1D?' with a picture of the back of you guys walking to the buses." Liam told her.

"Oh shit.  I told him it wasn't a good idea. Let me see it?" Amelia asked. "Wait. I need to let the girls know their sound check is over."

"Alright. I'll show you before the boys and I do sound check but don't be angry." Liam said.

Amelia walked out onto the stage and raised her hands over her head.

"Alright girls. Sound check is over. You've got some time to kill before show time. Grab some food, take a nap. Whatever you need. Oh and Lexi."


"Liam will be busy with sound check so he will be unavailable for you to fuck." Amelia said with a sickeningly sweet smile. "Go have fun!"

Lexi's eyes got huge then narrowed as she stared Amelia down. She walked off stage then turned and flipped her the finger.

"Alright. Show me this tweet." she told Liam.

Liam pulled his phone out and showed her the page that he saw it on. As she was scrolling through the messages, another one popped up.

UdontKnow1D:  Is Louis Fucking the help?

"What the hell? Liam, I think you know whose account this is, don't you?" Amelia asked.

"I promised I wouldn't tell." Liam said avoiding her.

"Fuck! Liam. Come on.  This needs to stay quiet for just a little longer." Amelia said.

"Liam! Let's go man. We have sound check." Sam yelled to him.

"Be right there!" Liam said before turning to Amelia. "I'm sorry. I'll try to stop it, but I can't make any promises."

Liam ran onto the stage and Amelia stood there in shock.  She had an idea of who was behind this but without proof, if she confronted her, it would only make it worse.  Marian waved to her from the front row so she headed down to the seats.

"Hey. Are you feeling better?" she asked Marian.

"You must have talked to Niall." she laughed. "Yeah. I was just drowning my sorrows in food. Ate a bit too much and was sick."

"Sorrows? What's wrong sweetie?" Amelia asked.

"I was just feeling really lonely last night.  I had video chatted with Ewan and Niall came to the room long enough to shower and then left. You were busy with DAC work. I had no one to even have dinner with." Marian said hoping the tears wouldn't flow again.

"Oh honey. I'm sorry. I should have just had you come with me. You would have enjoyed the shit show that was our meeting." Amelia laughed and hugged her friend.

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