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"Marian, have you seen my earrings?" Amelia asked. " i can't find them anywhere."

"Amelia, they are on the table. You need to calm down." Marian replied.

" i don't know why I'm so nervous. I feel like I have all this crazy energy   I should have taken Harry's advice this morning and gone running. Ugh" Amelia said.

"You saw Harry this morning?" Kristi asked.

" yeah. He was coming from the gym when I went downstairs earlier. Why? "

"I've been trying to call him all day." Krissi said.

Amelia shrugged. "I'm sorry. I don't know where he was going after the gym. Everything ok?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to make sure he had everything he needed today."

A knock at the door interrupted the girls and Marian went to answer it. Harry stood there with a box and a bouquet of flowers. He stepped past Marian and into the bridal suite. He kissed his wife hello before turning to Amelia.

"Louis asked me to deliver these to you. He's very on edge. I told him I would call him as soon as I got to you. I think he's thinks you're going to pull a runaway bride or something. You aren't going to do that right?" Harry asked.

"No way. Why on earth would he think that?" Amelia asked slightly offended.

"Well, someone told him they saw Tom at your hotel last night and he thought maybe you were having second thoughts about marrying him. I told him he's an idiot."

"He is an idiot. Yes Tom was there but I made him go away. I'm marrying Louis and I couldn't be happier."Amelia said.

Harry pulled out his phone and called Louis on speakerphone. "Hello?"

"Lou. She's still here. I'm giving her the box now." Harry said as he handed Amelia a small box.

"Hello love. I hope you like what I've sent Harry with." Louis said over the phone.

"Louis. You already gave me more than I could ask." Amelia said with a smile. She opened the box and found a set of keys. "Lou? A set of keys?"

"Yes my love. Read the card."

"Darling Amelia, I knew I was in love with you from the moment I met you in LA. I wanted to get you something to always remember that time. So I bought us a home in LA that we can visit whenever you want. I love you, Louis" she read aloud with a smile. "Oh Louis. I don't know what to say!"

"You don't have to say anything. I love you. I will see you in a few minutes at the end of the aisle." Louis said before disconnecting.

"Oh my god. He bought me a house" she laughed.

"Wait til you see it. It's gorgeous" Harry said.

"Harry! Is it the house I think it is?" Krissi asked.

"Yep. We're neighbors!" He chuckled.

"Amazing!" Amelia said.

"Ok. I will let you ladies finish getting ready. Amelia. You look lovely." Harry said, kissing her on the cheek.

The girls finished getting ready and soon the wedding planner came to tell them it was time. They took their places and Krissi, Marian and Ally made their way down the aisle. Just as the music changed, Stan appeared at Amelia's side to walk her down the aisle. He had become like a brother to her over the last few months and couldn't think of anyone better to walk with her. She looped her arm through his and together they walked towards Louis. She watched as Louis wipes a tear from his eye and a huge smile come across his face. She didn't think she could love him anymore than she did at that moment.

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