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Louis walked out of the cabin and looked around. He didn't see anyone. It was impossible that anyone had seen him with Amelia at the cabin. Besides, he had nothing to hide. They hadn't slept together since LA. As much as he wanted to be with her intimately, he respected her enough to not push it. The kiss today had been a lapse in judgement on his part. He just wanted to taste her lips again. He missed being able to kiss her whenever he wanted. Now she belonged to Tom and he hated it.

Amelia caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She had frosting and food in her hair and she looked like a crazy person. Dammit Louis. Why did he have this effect on her? As she drove home, her phone dinged. She looked at the number and didn't recognize it. She knew it wasn't Louis.

*Does your husband know what you're doing when he's gone? *

What the hell? Someone had seen her and Louis together. But who? No one was at the park and the cabin is too remote. How did this person get her number? It was a private number. Tom had insisted on it after her attack. Only friends and family had it. Was one of her friends playing a trick? Only Marian knew about Louis, but she was away with Niall. She decided someone was playing a trick on her and headed home. She needed to wash the crap out of her hair and wash away Louis' touch. She knew she could never be alone with him again. It was too much of a temptation.

The week went by without any weirder messages. Amelia was sitting at a café waiting on Marian to go over last minute wedding stuff and she planned to tell her about it. She figured Marian was pranking her and wanted to find out for sure. She scrolled through her twitter feed and a picture someone tweeted caught her eye. It was a picture of Louis and Eleanor looking all loved up. She couldn't help but notice the ring on El's finger. Were they engaged? Her heart sank a little at the thought. The same girl who tweeted the picture had more photos. Amelia scrolled through all of them. More pictures of Louis and El kissing and cuddling up in a restaurant.

"Amelia? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" she heard Marian ask.

"What? Oh. I'm sorry. I just..." she started.

"You heard the news huh?" Marian asked.

"So it's true? Louis and El are engaged?"

"Looks like it. He asked her on Sunday." Marian told her.

"On Sunday? But I just saw him"

"What do you mean you saw him?" Marian asked. "I knew it! You went to see him after I left your house."

"No. I was at the park on Saturday and he showed up there. We had lunch together. I was on my way home when I got a weird text message. I assumed it was you playing a prank."

"It wasn't me. I swear. What did it say?" Marian asked, curious.

"It said 'Does your husband know what you're doing when he's gone'" Amelia said.

"Oh shit. Someone's been watching you. You have to tell Tom you've talked to Louis. Is he back yet?"

"He comes back tonight. They were supposed to be back Tuesday but they had to extend it a little."

"I think you should tell him. That way if whoever sent the text tells him, he already knows and isn't blindsided." Marian suggested.

"You're right. Anyway, how was your trip? Did you have fun?" Amelia asked trying to change the subject.

"It was fantastic. We stayed in the most adorable little cottage. It was like a fairy tale. It was just what I needed to release all this stress. Can you believe a week from tomorrow Niall and I are getting married! It seems like a dream." She said oozing happiness.

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