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Marian and Amelia walked out to the floor and we stopped by several fans wanting pictures with them. They all knew who Marian was, but most were clueless about Amelia. There were a couple McFly fans that recognized her that she took pictures with. They asked questions about where Tom was and why she was there. She just avoided the question and walked on with Marian. They just got to their seats when the lights went out. The noise of the crowd was deafening. They stood there beaming with pride as the boys stepped foot on stage together for the first time in years. Amelia was suddenly that fangirl that kept Louis' picture in her wallet as she jumped up and down waving and singing along to every song they played. Marian blew kisses to Niall as her and Amelia danced to every song. Tears flowed down her cheeks as they sang Little Things and If I Could Fly. One by one the guys sang their solo songs and when Louis sang Back to You, Amelia knew that he had written it about her. They definitely had a lot of drama and bullshit in their lives and she was ready for it to all end. She decided right then that she was done hiding their relationship.

"Sydney, Australia!" Liam shouted to the crowd. "How the hell are ya?"

The crowd noise grew louder as they each took turns greeting the crowd.

"G'Day Mate" Niall chuckled.

"Nialler, what are ya saying mate" Louis teased.

"Just saying hello!" Niall replied and Louis just shook his head.

"Sydney, you are all beautiful." Harry told the crowd. "Thank you for having us. It's been a pleasure being here!"

They sang a few more songs and as they were finishing up their last song, Amelia and Marian raced back stage so they could be there when they got to the dressing room. They heard the excitement as the guys made their way back to the dressing room. Niall rushed over and picked Marian up and kissed her, spinning her around before putting her back down. Everyone was hugging and laughing and enjoying the high that came from the first show. Louis spotted Amelia from across the room and blew her a kiss. It's now or never, Amelia told herself. She walked over to where Louis was standing and threw her arms around him and kissed him. In front of everyone. There were gasps of shock, relieved laughter and applause.

"It's about time!" someone shouted and everyone laughed.

Louis just held her tightly, kissing her, reveling in the happiness that she had thrown caution to the wind and decided to hell with her promise to Tom. They were still standing with their arms around each other's waist when the girls of DAC walked in and Sam tapped a glass to get everyone's attention.

"Now that everyone is here, I'd like to congratulate everyone on a fantastic first show. We obviously have some bugs to work out, but I am quite pleased. Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry, I am so happy the four of you are back together on that stage. It was magical to watch you all do your thing. Thank you!"

All four of the guys shouted their thanks back. It was so emotional and exhilarating. Everyone was drinking champagne or beer and having a great time. Louis led Amelia over to a couch and sat down, pulling her onto his lap. He kissed her neck and she played with his hair. They were openly affectionate with each other and didn't care who saw. They were lost in each other. Sam finally made everyone start heading to the SUVs to go back to the hotel. Niall and Marian walked with Amelia and Louis to the first car and climbed in.

"I am so glad you two have come out of hiding" Niall said.

"Me too." Marian said. "No more having to sneak around."

"Actually, we still do. Only the people in that room know what we're together. We can't be seen in public together remember." Louis said.

"Yeah but it's nice to know that our tour family knows." Amelia said. "I'm going to call Tom tomorrow and tell him I'm done with this shit. I want people to know about us Lou."

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