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Josh knew that he wasn't going to sleep this Sunday night.

He was worried about Tyler, and a bit sad that he didn't remember him. He knows that Tyler didn't remember his own parents and it's the crash against his head that made him forget everything, but he was still upset.

He started overthinking everything. Will Tyler be okay? Will Nick? What happened to the drunk driver? Is he okay? Josh hoped not.

Josh thought he deserved to rot in hell for causing the death of one of his good friends, and altering Tyler's memory. For breaking Nick's legs, making him unable to walk. For breaking his own arm, preventing him from playing the drums. Josh was furious about everything that happened. Why me? Why us? He asked himself repeatedly this whole week.

He also blamed himself for what happened. He was in the car after all. They could've taken another turn, but they didn't. They could've stayed at that New Year's party longer, but they didn't. Everyone wanted to stay, but it was Josh and Tyler that wanted to leave the party. Chris was their ride, and they agreed to take them and Nick home.

What if I just stayed a little longer? He thought. What if we just stayed a little longer like everyone else wanted us to? Josh kept thinking of ways this could have all been prevented and everything would be just like the way it was before.

Josh didn't really mind his broken arm, it would heal eventually in a few months. He was mostly worried about Tyler. They've both known each other since childhood. They went to school together, hung out together, did everything together. Josh hated the idea of eventually having to deal with the possibility that Tyler might never be the same again.

They'll have to get to know each other all over again. But Josh was willing to help him get back to his old life. He told himself that he was going to be patient with him for the sake of bringing the old Tyler back.


Tyler had also stayed up Sunday night.

He had too many questions about his life to be sleeping. Thousands of questions everyone should know about themselves kept lingering at the back of his mind. He just couldn't fall asleep because not knowing made him crazy. This added another question to his list; did he have insomnia?

Tyler got out of bed and turned the lights on in his room. He continued to look through his closet for clues, or anything about himself. He thought it was quite sad that he had to do this in the first place, but his curiosity was slowly taking over him.

Tyler went over all the pictures that he found in his closet earlier that day. It was the exact same people and nobody else. Himself, Chris, Nick, Josh and two mystery girls he had yet to find out what they had to do with his life.

He put all the pictures back to where they were, and kept looking for something else. He went deeper and deeper into his closet but there was nothing but jackets, beanies, winter clothes and some shoes. Tyler looked at the very top of his closet and noticed there was something on the highest closet shelf. He reached up for it and soon noticed that it was a small keyboard.

"Tyler, you should be getting rest." Tyler heard his mom knock on his bedroom door unexpectedly, making him jump slightly.

"One second." Tyler responded, and returned the keyboard back to where it was. He turned off the lights of his room again, and went back to bed.

A few other questions surfaced. Why a keyboard? Did he know how to play before? Was he in the school band too? Tyler hoped to answer all of these questions the next day so he could finally get some rest.


I'm sooo curious what are you guys' favorite songs by tøp? I have too many but here are my top 15 (not in order)


-Message Man

-Ode To Sleep

-Fall Away



-Car Radio

-A Car, A Torch, A Death

-Fairly Local

-Holding Onto You


-Friend, Please




Fun fact: this fanfic was partially inspired by Trees and Goner at first.

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