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TW: Mentions of drugs


Tyler and Josh both got ready to go to the police station to report possible drug dealers. As Tyler told him, Josh brought the license plate of the silver sedan the possible drug dealers got inside of before driving away. Josh also brought the address of where this incident took place. They were confident that something was going to be done about this.

"We're here to report something." Josh told the police officer that was sitting behind the front desk. There weren't many police officers inside, and the police station itself was not so big. Maybe it's a small town thing.

"What would that be?" The officer asked Josh, who wasn't being very specific at first.

"Yesterday, I saw these two people doing some sort of exchange. They looked suspicious and I'm pretty sure it was a drug deal." Josh explained more briefly than he had explained to Tyler the night before.

"Okay, just fill out this form and I'll take it when you're done." The police officer gave Josh a sheet with many questions having to do with crimes, including information about himself.

Josh nodded and sat down on one of the chairs on the side of the wall to complete the report along with Tyler. At first, it asked Josh questions about himself more than the actual crime. It asked for his name, where he lives, his number, email, and where he works. Even though they were just about him, he was willing to answer the questions. He just hoped the police would be able to catch the two people he saw.

Then it got to the real thing. The crime report asked questions about what kind of crime took place, where it happened, and who was involved. Josh could only provide a brief description of the two people he saw. They were both wearing dark clothes, and one person was shorter than the other. Josh wrote down every single thing he could remember. It took him at least ten minutes to complete the report.

When Josh was done, he gave the crime report back to the same police officer that had given it to him. The officer went over a few things on the information that Josh wrote and asked him a few questions about what happened.

"Sounds good." said the officer. "We'll get back to you within 24 hours to inform you whether or not we'll begin an investigation."

This made Josh and Tyler feel more hopeful that the strangers would be caught in time because the party is in only two days. They hoped that it's not Debby's party the two unknown strangers were talking about, but Josh had a strong feeling that it was.

"Okay, thanks." Josh said once the officer stopped talking. Tyler and Josh then both walked out of the police station and stepped down the stairs that led out of the station. They both tried to come up with who it might've been, but no one was coming to mind. Most people they knew are really nice and just don't seem like the type of people to buy or sell any kind of drug.

"Do you think they'll get caught?" Josh asked Tyler as they walked down the long sidewalk.

"I don't know. It could've been anyone in this town." Tyler was still doubtful. "Are you sure you couldn't tell who they were?"

"Not a clue." Josh replied. "As I said, it was a bit foggy outside. Now that I remember they also had hoodies on."

"Even more suspicious." Tyler stated.

"It is."

Tyler and Josh walked in silence without saying a word. They enjoyed each other's company, even though they didn't say so often. Tyler hasn't stopped thinking about Josh since that Christmas night in the treehouse. He stayed up at night wondering if Josh felt the same way. He decided not to say anything about it though. He told himself that he should probably never bring it up again.

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