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Tyler, Josh, Nick, and Chris decided to meet up at Josh's house to get some homework done. Even though they were on a Christmas break, they still had to do homework by the time they went back to school.

They were all in the same math class this semester so they had the same work. To do less work and get it all done, they decided to help each other out. They didn't usually do this because they were all procrastinators, but this time they had a lot of work to get done over the break.

This was difficult for both Tyler and Josh. Not because it was math, but because the last time they saw each other was at that abandoned treehouse. But even though they were both upset about it, they were on good terms.

The reason why Josh wanted this 'homework help' meeting to be at his house was because he wanted to see Tyler. He had something important to tell him, but Josh didn't know if he'd get the chance to since Nick and Chris are here as well.

"What is the probability of choosing a king from a deck of cards as a percentage?" Nick asked one of the questions they had to complete.

"How many cards does one deck have?" Chris asked the rest of the group.

"52!" Josh said excitedly before anyone else could. He used to play card games a lot before.

"Then it's 7.7%." Tyler said as he wrote the answer down.

"How the hell did you get that so fast?" Chris asked confused, looking at Tyler's notes.

"You divide four kings by fifty-two cards, then times the answer by one hundred, then round up the answer to 7.7%." Tyler explained to Chris using a calculator.

"Starting a petition to make Tyler our next math teacher." Nick laughed, and so did the rest of the group.

"Well, I guess we're done with this probability review." Chris noticed, starting to put his stuff away inside his backpack. Math was Chris's worst subject at school, so he was glad it was finally finished.

The rest of them checked their answers to make sure nothing was skipped. When they were finished, they also put their homework away in their backpacks. Without getting caught, Josh managed to slip a note inside Tyler's backpack.

"Bye guys, thanks for the help!" Nick waved.

"See you at the party, Nick!" Chris waved back.

"Wait, you guys are going?" Tyler asked, assuming it was Debby's party they were talking about.

"Yeah." Chris nodded. "Pretty much everyone is. You guys should come." He suggested.

"I totally forgot about it." Josh said more to himself than his friends. "Yeah... I might go."

Tyler looked at everyone in confusion. Were they all leaving him behind now? They all knew he hated parties.

"Great, I'll see you then." Chris smiled. "Are you going Ty?"

"I honestly don't really want to, but since everyone's going... I guess." Tyler shrugged.

"You should, it'll be fun!" Chris tried to encourage him to go. "A party is a party."

"Okay." Tyler finally gave in. He still didn't want to go, but it's just for one night. How bad could it be?

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