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The next day it was time for Tyler, Zack, Josh, Nick, Jenna and Debby to meet up at the club. They all agreed to meet up at around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Tyler was excited because he finally felt like he belonged, since everyone agreed to go in the end. He would get to know his old friends, and everything would be like before.

Nick was also excited to go out somewhere. He hasn't had the chance to go out much since he can't walk. Josh offered to accompany him to go to the club by pushing his wheelchair down the sidewalk so he wouldn't go by himself. It was also a beautiful day out. The sun was shining and there was no wind. They were still on good terms after what happened.

Jenna and Debby made plans to go to the club together. Debby was pretty excited. She was finally going to be starting to hang out with her boyfriend's friends more, and making their relationship stronger. Or so she thought. Jenna had stayed quiet about the whole situation since Debby had no idea of what was actually going on. Debby was told that Tyler lost his memory and now they're all going to reconnect with him. Everyone already knew Tyler lost his memory, and they all felt extremely bad for him.

Tyler walked with his brother Zack to the club like they used to before and how they always do together to go to school. They talked on the way to make time go by faster since it was a few blocks away.

"So they play music there?" Tyler asked Zack remembering what he had told him about the club.

"Yeah, lots of different local artists go there to play. They're pretty good, you'll have fun." Zack tried to stay positive about the situation. He was extremely nervous. So nervous that he was close to throwing up. He was afraid that someone might say the wrong thing, and the big secret they had would be revealed.

"It sounds great!" Tyler was excited. He couldn't wait to have a life that's closer to normal. He'll catch up with his old friends, get to know them, and sooner or later they'll become friends again and he won't be so alone anymore.

"We're here." Zack sighed, walking closer to the door to the club and holding the door for Tyler to get inside. Tyler thought this would be the perfect spot to hang out. It wasn't too quiet or too noisy, just perfect. It was also not that full. There were a few people already inside talking and having fun eating some food. There was also a girl up on stage playing an acoustic guitar.

Tyler looked around for everyone else, until he saw a booth with people he recognized just big enough for six people across the big room. "They're over there." Tyler told his brother, and they walked to where they were sitting. Once he was there, he noticed that everyone was extremely quiet except for Debby and Jenna who were taking a picture together. The rest were just chewing on some food they already had bought, without speaking.

"Hi guys." Zack announced that they were here, making everyone turn their heads.

"Hey." Everyone waved.

"Watch the wheelchair." Nick warned Tyler as they sat on the remaining spots on the booth.

"Sorry we took long." Tyler apologized. "Zack couldn't decide on a hoodie."

Zack nodded as everyone laughed. This was what he had told Tyler. But really, Zack was just too nervous to come and was trying to calm himself down.

"I was worried we were going to be late." Debby giggled, referring to herself and Jenna. "Jenna wouldn't come outside her house."

Jenna and Zack forced themselves to laugh. This was going to be a long afternoon.

"Me and Josh were the first ones here." Nick said. "I was too hungry."

"So was I." Josh admitted after chewing on some nachos.

"So Tyler, ask us anything." Zack told him, then Jenna kicked his leg from under the table, giving him a death glare. "Well, what you would want to know about friends." He corrected himself, trying to hide the pain in his voice. Zack was pretty sure Jenna was wearing heels.

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