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"Tyler!" Josh smiled as soon as he saw him and walked towards him. "Glad you're feeling better."

"Hey Josh." Tyler smiled. This was probably the first time he's been this glad to see someone since before the accident. "How are things?"

"They're fine so far I guess, but since my arm is broken I can't really do things I like." Josh sighed.

"Like what?"

"I used to play the drums a lot." Josh confessed. "Not anymore."

"That sucks." Tyler didn't know what else to say. He didn't care much about drums. Did he used to though? He still had many questions about everyone around him, and even himself.

"I know right! It's one of my favorite things to do and now I can't do it." Josh was furious because he couldn't play the drums. It's his hobby, his stress reliever, his escape.

"Yeah, that must really suck. I know it does, I have a broken arm too."

"Did you get any signatures on your cast?" Josh asked after a short silence, trying to not remind himself of the drums he can't play.

"Yeah, my parents signed it and so did my brothers and my sister while I was asleep in the hospital." Tyler had rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie to show him his family's messages. "Did you get any messages?"

"A few from my family." Josh had lifted up his arm closer to Tyler's face to show him the messages written on his cast. He had room for more messages since his cast went past his elbow.

As Tyler looked at Josh's arm, he remembered he had a black sharpie with him. "Can I sign it?"

"Uh, sure. Only if you let me sign yours."

Tyler and Josh both took a turn to write with the sharpie and signed each other's cast quickly before the school bell rang. Tyler signed Josh's cast first and then it was Josh's turn. Soon enough the bell rang and they ran out of time to see what they've written.

They had different classes in the morning, so they waved to each other before running in different directions. As Tyler turned around, he brought his arm up to see what Josh wrote on his cast.

"Get well soon! :D -Josh"

For some reason, it made Tyler smile to himself.

It took a few turns to find his way to his classroom, for obvious reasons. He was also distracted by the recently painted walls of the school and posters of all the after-school activities that are going on. On the way to his history class he walked by a shelf full of school trophies. There were some pictures of the people that have received awards too. Awards such as "athlete of the year" and awards of excellence to a few students.

After looking at them for a while, Tyler noticed there were also some basketball trophies. There were pictures of this year's basketball team and teams from previous years, and he was in most of them. Apparently Tyler has been on his school's basketball team ever since he started going to this high school. "Wow, I really must have been passionate about basketball." He thought.

"Go to class!" A teacher came out of nowhere to get students out of the hallway.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Tyler kept walking and made it to his history class in room 166. It was just around the corner from the trophy shelf.

Thankfully, the door was open and he didn't get locked out. As he walked in, everyone stopped what they were doing to look over at who came in late. It was scary for Tyler to have about twenty strangers look over at you, knowing that they probably know exactly who you are.

He didn't see a teacher in the room. When students realized it wasn't the teacher, they turned back around and kept talking.

Tyler started walking slowly trying to find a spot to sit. There was only two spots left, but he wondered if there was some sort of sitting arrangement.

"You usually sit over there, Tyler." A guy who was already sitting down pointed to an empty seat near the centre of the room.

"Thanks." Tyler half smiled, and walked to the empty seat.

"Wait, Tyler?" A girl said loudly. "What are you doing here?"

Tyler turned around to see a blonde girl with blue eyes, like the one he saw in the pictures.



I've been trying to upload since forever ago apparently I got blocked from posting anything or something?? Another possibility could've been that I didn't have enough storage. Who knew you had to have storage available to be able to post chapters? Neither did I. Well it's fixed now soooo I'll be posting more. Y'all probably hate me lol I blame my phone

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