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A/N: sorry for the wait I have finals and I'm stressed ;_;

TW: homophobic slurs


Josh was shocked by this more than when Tyler said he didn't like Jenna. He wondered how in the world he didn't know this before. Him and Jenna looked really happy to be with each other. Josh thought Tyler must be an excellent actor if he's been pretending to like Jenna for the last three months. But Josh also asked himself why Tyler did not tell him this. They would tell each other everything. At least that's what he thought.

"Are you serious?" Josh asked Tyler trying to confirm what he just said.

"I'm serious." Tyler nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me? You knew I would be okay with it." Josh was slightly offended by Tyler not telling him he was gay.

"I know. It's just that I didn't want anyone finding out yet. Plus, if the word spreads Jenna will find out and who knows what'll happen then."

Josh understood. He could relate to Tyler because he had his own struggles with finding the courage to come out to everyone else. But Josh would never pretend to love someone to hide it.

"Does anyone else know this?"

"Nobody but you." Tyler sighed.

"Well, I'm honored. But Jenna should know as well."

"If I break up with her she'll ask for an explanation. If I tell her I'm gay..."

"I'm sure she won't hate you or try to expose you just because you're gay." Josh interrupted. "She's too nice."

"Have you met Jenna?" Tyler asked. "She'll freak out I know it."

"Okay." Josh stopped trying to convince him otherwise. "But the longer you wait, the more angry she's gonna get."

"I know." Tyler looked down.

"When did you even find out you were gay? I honestly had no idea." Josh had too many questions. He started worrying about being too annoying, but he knew Tyler isn't bothered by him. They've known each other since they were babies.

"It was a while ago, I don't know. I've never really liked girls that way. Sure, they're nice, but... guys." Tyler laughed. "I don't know. You don't choose the gay life, the gay life chooses you."

Tyler and Josh started laughing so hard their faces turned a bright red. They were starting to forget the reasons that got them to the treehouse in the first place. They started to see the light in their world of darkness for a moment. It was a liberating feeling.

"That's very true." Josh agreed.

"What was your story? It's been a while I forgot." Tyler felt bad for forgetting.

"There was a time when I only liked girls." Josh started after trying to remember himself. "But then I was like 'ooh, guys'." By now they both started to laugh again. Even though Tyler wasn't bisexual, he could still relate.

"But in all seriousness," Josh continued. "for a while I thought that I had to choose between girls and guys. I thought you were either straight or gay. They don't even teach you this in school, so how was I supposed to know? My parents are also really against it so I guess that's why they never talked to me about this. I didn't even know bisexuality existed. I decided that I just couldn't choose, then I came across the term of bisexuality. I assumed that was what it was. Then boom, bisexual." Josh explained to Tyler once again.

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