133 16 96

Just thought this pic fits perfectly with these chapters

Should I enter this story for the Wattys?


Tyler couldn't take this anymore. He thought that because there were more people playing, the quicker the game of beer pong would end. Guess not.

Ashley proceeded to place four red cups on each side, and Brendon filled them with more of that awful cheap beer that everyone seemed to like. Well, everyone except Tyler and Josh.

"My turn!" Ashley got back in line after grabbing a white ping pong ball.

"Try to bounce it." Brendon suggested just before she threw the ball. "Each bounce is another cup."

Ashley did what she was told and tried to bounce the ping pong ball into one of the cups. The ping pong ball bounced off to the side, just missing the cup that was in the front. It was now Debby's team's turn again.

Everyone was starting to lose their luck. People kept missing the cups, when they were doing so much better last time. Even Brendon missed one of the cups, and he seemed like a professional at this game. Jenna, who was sitting on the side watching everyone play, seemed bored because nothing was happening.

"C'mon losers, I'm getting old here!" Jenna joked as she laughed at everyone's eager attempt to win.

"Let us concentrate, blondie." Ashley said without looking at her, trying to get the ball inside one of the cups again.

"Can't you just play rock-paper-scissors and whoever wins, wins?" Jenna suggested, obviously bored with this game.

"You don't have to stay and watch us." Debby told her. "Go have fun."

"Fine." Jenna stood up. "Good luck, Tyler!" She said as she walked away to one of the hallways.

"Thanks." Tyler smiled. It was his turn now.

"You guys are so cute." Ashley mocked.

Ignoring the comment, Tyler aimed at one of the cups for the millionth time tonight. He really tried to aim this time, just because he wanted this game to be over. Tyler and Josh were so into the game that they forgot about the silver sedan Josh had seen before.

At last, Tyler got two cups because he bounced the ball. Not caring, he drank both cups of beer to not waste any more time to ask if anyone else wanted it.

"Tyler, be careful. That's your fifth cup." Josh warned him. "You could've just given it to me."

"I thought you didn't like beer. I'm actually getting used to this one." Tyler smiled, looking at the red cup in his right hand, drinking a little more from it. "I wonder why they're just red, and not green or something. I like green."

"You need to stop." Josh laughed.

"Your turn." Tyler pushed Josh, ignoring his comment. He then walked clumsily to the back of the line again.

Josh took a ping pong ball and repeated what he had done the entire game. Surprisingly, he got the ball inside one of the last two remaining cups from Brendon's team.

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