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New cover as of last night. I think this is my best one yet, do you guys like it? I even included that silver sedan lol😂😉😊

We're soooooo close to 3k guys omg

TW: homophobic slurs


"Josh," Tyler gasped, a shocked with a mix of excitement look on his face, his lips slightly parted. He stood up inside the treehouse, and had a look of realization. He ran his hands through his short brown hair, looking at Josh.

"What is it?" Josh was concerned.

"I think I remember!" Tyler said excitedly to Josh with a cheerful look on his face, making Josh smile too. He couldn't believe it, his best friend finally remembers him. Josh was about to cry tears of joy. "I remember!" Tyler repeated more confidently.

"Really?!" Josh stood up and hugged Tyler as tight as he could. "Are you serious?!"

"Yes." Tyler's smile faded. He had stopped jumping, and did not hug Josh back.

"Tyler, what is it?" Josh let go of him.

"You- you broke me and Jenna up!" Tyler became visibly angry within a split second.


"It's all your fault. You ruined everything!" Tyler screamed at Josh, making his smile fade too.

"I didn't mean to!" Josh said sincerely as Tyler started to climb down the tree that held up the old and abandoned treehouse. Josh tried to stop him, but Tyler kept climbing down. All Josh could do was climb down after him.

"But, you did." Tyler told him, his feet hitting the cold and hard ground after he had climbed down.

"I don't understand." Josh was confused. "You said you were gay."

Tyler turned around to face Josh one more time once he had climbed down after him. "That's just you." Tyler had a cold look in his eyes. "It was just you. Jenna is better than you'll ever be. You're nothing but a worthless fag."

Josh didn't even know what to say. He just stood there... frozen. Unable to move. Did Tyler change? Will he not be the same way as he was before?

Once Tyler turned his back on him once again after not saying anything else, a silver sedan appeared in the middle of the a long and slim road. It became dark out, and somehow Josh made it inside the car and was now sitting on the backseat on the right side. There was a seatbelt across his body, but he couldn't get out. He was trapped. The sky darkened even more, and the car began to speed off, going faster and faster down the highway, the engine roaring louder and louder. It all happened way too fast.

Then, Josh saw traffic lights as the car raced down the highway. The traffic lights looked exactly like the ones that were on the highway before he crashed after the party on New Year's Eve. They were on red, but the car wasn't stopping. "Stop! What are you doing!? We're gonna crash!" Josh panicked at a dark silhouette, the one that was driving the silver sedan. Still, the car wouldn't stop.

As Josh looked closer, he recognized the dark figure that was driving by looking at the mirror's reflection.

It was Tyler.

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