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"Hey Baek, I've come for tutoring." Chanyeol surprised me.

"Oh right. Yeah. Come on in." I gestured.

We walked in and he took his bag off.

"Would you like anything to do eat? Drink?" I asked politely.

"You." He whispered inaudible.

"Um, maybe just some water thanks." I smiled and made my way to the kitchen.

I walk back and hand him the water. After he finishes the water, we make our way to my room to get started on the turtoring.

"So, what were you having problems with?" I asked.

"Um.. About the algebra and how 2c + 6g doesn't equal 8j.." He laughed lightly.

"Silly," I mumbled.

Half way through, I was explaining very thoroughly and he was... Paying attention.... Really closely? He was so close I could feel his warm breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"How about we do this more often." He whispered into my ear seductively. I turned around and saw his eyes filled with lust as he bit his lip.

I cleared my throat and continued explaining.

After we finished our tutoring session,  Chanyeol left and I went on my phone and looked at my Instagram:

( a profile we think you'll like)

BBTeaSehun:( a profile we think you'll like)

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I saw Baekhyun today. Lol he looks confused.

2951 views 2314 likes 671 comments

PCY: damn, son. Cyoot 💖 #JealousAF
ManlyLu: keep your eyes off of my bro, he is reserved 😉


Follow ✔️
Please wait for BBTeaSehun to accept your request.

I sighed and took a little snooze.

2 hours later.

BBTeaSehun has accepted your follow and is now following you!
Accept. ✔️

Oh lord... He's following me.... O.O


Baekhyunnie_Exo is now following you!
Accept. ✔️

Follow ✔️
Please wait for Baekhyunnie_Exo to accept your request.

I sighed and walked down to the kitchen to grab myself a snack. I turned on the tv and started watching a K drama.

1 hour later

"No! Don't leave me!" The girl in the k drama cried.

"I'm sorry, but it's for the best.. I love you." The man sobbed as he ran away.

I sat there, crying like a little sook I am (a/n: OMG IM LAUGHING SM  WHILE WRITING THIS 😂😂)

I stood up and wiped my tears as I walked to my room again.

You have 3 Instagram notifications.

I unlocked my phone and went on Instagram.



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KimTaeTae: Baekhyun oppa! Marry me!

I laughed to myself as I called Kai.

"Yo Kai."


"I got Baekhyun to follow me on Insta. And I'm following him too."

"Nice job. Gtg ttyl?" And he hung up.

Wow, what a nice friend 😑I thought.

I decided to go to the bubble tea shop because that's what I do when I'm bored.

I made my way there and and ordered. I slumped on the seat and tapped my foot lightly while listening to music.

My order came up as I went to receive it and looked at the person who was ordering.


I smiled at him and he just looked away from me looking guilty.

I left and went home and decided to sleep.

I'm so sorry for this chapter it's more of a boring side chapter. I'm really sorry. 😭😭😭❤️ pls spare me.

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