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He fell to the ground unconscious and I panicked.

"Please be ok." I kept whispering.

Soon, I heard the ambulances outside and carried baekhyun to them. They lay him down on a stretcher and placed him inside.

"Um excuse me, what is your relationship with Byun Baekhyun?" One man asked.

"I'm his brother." I answered truthfully.

"What's your name?" They asked.

"Luhan. Xi Luhan." I replied.

"You said he was your brother.." He asked confused.

"Well, I'm technically adopted." I explained.

"Ne, Ne. Where are your parents?" He queried.

"Well um, they went overseas for business.." I answered honestly.

He nodded and told me to climb into the ambulance.

I did as told and sat there, staring at my brothers' pale face.

We arrived and they rushed him into the hospital, into ward 194.

I was told to wait in the area so I did. I paced up and down then took a seat and pulled out my phone.

LeFabulusDeer: hey xiu..

YourBaozi: yes Luhan?

LeFabulusDeer: can u come to xxxx hospital? Quickly?

YourBaozi: why?

LeFabulusDeer: I'll tell you when you get here ok?

YourBaozi: ok cya soon,

I put my phone in my pocket and breathed.

After a few minutes, a voice called.

"Lu!" I heard someone call. I lifted up my head and ran to hug Xiumin.

I felt comfortable in his embrace.

"What's the problem lu?" He asked, lifting up my chin.

"B-Baekhyun.. Started cutting again.. But he passed out.." I sobbed.

"W-where did he cut?." He asked.

"H-his thighs a-and stomach." I hiccuped.

"Xi LuHan!" The front desk called.

I walked up and stared at her.

"Ward 194. Byun Baekhyun." She said.

I nodded and Xiumin and I walked towards the room.

I opened the door and saw Baekhyun, with bandages wrapped around his thighs and stomach.

"I can't believe he would have done this! Who do you think the problem involved?" I asked.

Suddenly, someone popped into our minds.

"Oh Sehun." We said in unison.

I pulled out my phone and dialled his number.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Sehun! It's about Baekhyun!" I said.

"I don't care." He replied coldly.

"No! Sehun you don't understand! He's in hospital!" I sobbed.

"W-what? Give me the address I'll be there soon."

I ended the call and texted him the address.

A few minutes later, a puffing Sehun rushed into the ward.

"What happened?" He fumbled with his phone.

"Well, I got home from school today, and the house was silent, then I heard Baekhyun scream. So I ran to him and he fell to the ground in the bathroom after cutting his thighs and stomach and he passed out.." I cried into Xiumin's chest.

He pulled me closer and patted my head and whispered soothing things.

"Hello there, you must be Baekhyun's friends and family." The doctor implied.

I nodded.

"Well, good news? Or bad news?" He asked.

I replied with: good.

"Well, he'll wake up soon, he's in a coma that may last a few days. Now the bad news, he has slight amnesia from loss of blood. So he won't remember some things that were important to him. But not family ofc." He explained.

We nodded and I sat next to Baekhyun in a hospital chair.

"Please awake soon.." I whispered.

Hi AGEN. I owe you an update for everything so here you go.

I really hope you are enjoying this story so far! ^.^ if you want to guess:

Who will Baekhyun forget?

1. Chanyeol
2. Sehun
3. LuHan
Or 4. Xiumin

Thanks! Have a nice day!! <33

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