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"I'll see you at school Sehun! Bye!" I waved as I walked to Chanyeols house.

I knocked on the front door as Chanyeol answered it in an instant.

"Come in." He smiled at me.

I walked closing the door behind me. I sat on his couch as he offered me a drink.

"Just water please." I replied.

"Sure." He responded.


I smirked while walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of pills and dissolved one into his water.

I walked back into the lounge room where Baekhyun was waiting.

I handed him the water and watched as he drank all of it.

"Why do I feel dizzy?" He swirled.

"I-I don't know." I purposely stuttered.

He fell sideways onto the couch. I picked up his sleeping body and took him to my basement. I tied him to a chair and grabbed the scissors.

"This'll teach you to not mess with me." I hissed.

I lightly ran the blade over his cheek, causing the wound to open. I did that a few times and starred running it down his arm, with a bit more pressure.

I heard him whine in his sleep. I took a piece of cloth and covered his mouth.

I tied his feet to the chair as well. I slapped his other cheek with full force causing him to whimper lightly.

I picked up my whip, that was on the table beside me and started whipping his back.

After about 2 minutes of whipping, I lifted his shirt and looked at the scars I had left.

"Good enough." I sighed.

I untied him and carried his beaten body to my car. As we almost arrived at his house, he started turning.

"Shit. It only lasts for half an hour." I cursed.

I quickened my pace of the driving. I turned the corner and continued driving.


The car intersected with mine. The glass on the front shattered into tiny pieces, stabbing me all over. Same with the windows.

Before I knew it, the car tipped upside down, my head coming into hard contact with the roof. I hug Baekhyun, trying not to touch all his cuts.

"M-mianhe." I choked out before passing out.


I slowly walked home, frowning when Baekhyun told me he had to go to Chanyeol's house.

I decided to go to the park for a bit. After that, I started walking home again.


I turned my head to find 2 cars intersecting. I quickly ran to where the the accident had happened and ran to the car that had flipped upside down. I looked throw go some of the shattered glass.

"Baekhyun... And... Chanyeol..." I gasped.

I pulled out my phone and dialled the ambulance. They said they'd be here in 10 minutes.

"Why Baekhyun? Out of all the people? WHY?!" I screamed. I received weird stares from people on the street as I cried next to Chanyeol's car.

The ambulances arrived as men wheeled out 3 stretchers.

I watched as they placed Baekhyun's unconscious body onto it and wheeled him in. I got into the ambulance that Baekhyun was in and caressed his face while I started crying.

when we arrived at the hospital, I was asked to wait in the waiting area.

"Oh Sehun." The front desk lady called. I walked up to her.

"Room 224. Byun Baekhyun." I bowed and walked towards his room.

I opened the door and saw the doctor there.

"Hello again Sehun. You're friend seems to be getting into a lot of accidents." He said.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Oh. Baekhyun told me his amnesia was fake." I stated.

"Y-yeah it was. But this time, it's real.." He stammered.

My mouth dropped open as I sat in the corner of the room sulking.

"Sehun..." A whisper came from the sleeping Baekhyun.

Annyeong! Again, mianhe for a bad chapter(harm) it's just- I couldn't think of anything to doooooo. I was bored and it's like- nvm.... so.. Bye.

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