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We walked to the bubble tea shop  and opened the door. The bell sounded as we walked in.

Relaxing music was played throughout the store.

Kai and I walked up to the counter.

"Hi. Could we please get 2 regular chocolate milk tea?" Kai asked.

"Sure. That's $7 please." Kai handed her the money.

She handed us a card that had '23' on it as we took a seat on the couches.

Suddenly, the bell sounded as 2 people walked in.

"Shit." I cursed.

Kai looked at me confused as i titled my head towards the entrance.

He looked as his facial expression changed from relaxed- to surprised.

"What are Baekhyun and Luhan doing here?" I mumbled.

They walked straight passed us as Luhan glared at me.

They walked up to the counter and asked to talk to someone.

The lady at the counter nodded her head and disappeared into the kitchen.

She came back out with a familiar face.

"Hey Xiumin hyung." Baekhyun greeted.

I never knew that Xiumin hyung worked here..

"Can I get a regular taro bubble tea with chocolate pudding." Baekhyun asked and Xiumin nodded his head.

"And I'll get a regular peach tea." Luhan smiled.

When they ordered, they sat down a few tables from us.

"Number 23! Number 23!" The lady at the counter called.

Kai and I walked up to the counter to receive our drinks and left the store.

We walked around the streets of Seoul as the clouds formed rain.

It started sprinkling lightly, but when it got heavier- that was a problem.

Kai and I ran into a shop as we settled into some seats near the window.

"Nothing goes your way does it Sehun? It seems like bad luck is chasing you." Kai joked.

I placed my elbow into the table and I rested my chin on my palm.

"Mhm." I said barely audible.

It stopped raining soon and we headed home.

"Thanks for the day out Kai. It may have been shit, but it's better than me staying in my room all day." I weakly smiled.

"No problem Sehun-ah." He replied.

I removed my shoes from my feet and placed them just next to the front door and headed up to my room with Kai following behind me.

"What now?" Kai asked.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I questioned.

"Sure what movie?"

"How about... Split!" I smiled.

(A/n: guys. Oh my fucking god. Split is amazing! I swear if you watch it your gonna love it! (Story NOT sponsored.😂))

Half way through the movie, there was a knock on the door.

Kai stood up and walked downstairs to see who it was from.

He unlocked the door and stared at the ground where a parcel lays with my name on it.

"Sehun, it's for you!" Kai called.

I walked to the door and took the package in my hands and took it to the couch.

I carefully opened it and a teddy lay in there with a piece of paper.

Dear Sehun,

By the time you've read this, I would have already left town. I'm sorry for yelling at you and anything the went wrong with us.

I really hope you're going to be doing ok without me. This wasn't my choice. My father got a better job somewhere else in South Korea and we had I move. I'm now attending another school. 

I wish I could send a proper reply but it was on a short notice. I left last night an luhans with me. I might not be able to contact you but I'm still sorry.

Ps: I love you

~Baekhyun <3

I cried as I pulled out the teddy bear that was holding a love heart in it hands.

I cuddled into it as Kai stared at me confused.

"What?" He asked curiously.

"Baekhyun's moved houses and schools. This was all I relieved from him." I handed him the letter as he read it.

A few tears formed in his eyes. 

"Yah! Don't cry! I'm supposed to cry!" I chucked and wiped my tears.

"Oh ha ha." He rolled his eyes cheekily.

We finished watching the movie and I cuddled with the teddy for the rest of it.

I ended up naming it: Baek.

Hehe. Cheesy.

"Cya Kai." I waved as he exited the front door.

"Bye." He grinned.

I couldn't be bothered to have dinner so I just went straight to sleep.

Hello.  This chapter was a little- frustrating to write. Becuz I was rushing. Right now I'm at my sisters  make up college for her graduation. I've been waiting for the makeup artist for md to do my face. I be already been here for 5 hours. But I've been using my phone to keep me busy 😝😝

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