Im so sorry

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Guys this is a very important message for all of you out there who read this book:

I'm truly sorry for not updating in almost two months. You probably don't even miss me.. 🤷‍♀️ who would tbh. I've been really busy and something new has also come up in my life. I'm a little, which is a part of little space:

Littlespace is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable in their adolescence. An adult in littlespace may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult sexual interaction during their time in littlespace. While in littlespace, the adult is usually, but not always, referred to as an adult baby, little, or middle. A standard that all people interacting and involved in this type of scene is that they are all of legal adult age.

I'm sorry for not updating. I haven't gotten very far. This book is dropping so feel free to just leave or stay if you're willing to wait for the wedding. Up to you. 🤷‍♀️.

I most likely won't make more books in the future coz I know that they won't be updated regularly and I'm a very unreliable author.

Im just going to leave a note here from little me, pls be kind <3

Hewwo! Nice too see you all. My head space usually between 3 an 5. I no good wiv my gramma but do twy! Pls don hate me or big me coz we bof wuv all u so so so much !!
Jus call me wittle Miranda or Mira, anyfing ish fine wiv me.

If 'oo wan, can do q an a with big an wittle me? Jus comment if u wan. Don have too...

Okie bye bye! Nice too see 'oo all ♡

That's all for now, so sorry about this book too, thanks for staying I guess..? And not leaving. Love you all ♡


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