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I woke up to Sehun's warm embrace. His arms circling around my waist and my arms around his neck.

I stared at his beautiful face and admired his facial features.

I smiled softly and kissed his forehead.

"Good morning Baekkie." He cooed I my ear.

"Morning Sehun-ah." I giggled.

"Do you have to go to school today?" I pouted.

"Yeah. Sorry but I promise I'll take you out on a date this weekend." He hugged me tighter.

"Ok Sehunnie." I whispered.

He leaned in carefully and kissed me passionately.

I responded to his kiss and tangled my fingers in his hair.

He pulled away and softly said into my ear:

"I have to get ready now."

"Ok. I'll prepare you breakfast." I replied.

We walked out of the room together and parted ways.

He walked to the bathroom and I walked to the kitchen to make waffles.

After about 10 mins, I placed the waffles onto two plates. I drizzled maple syrup onto them and put a fork on the side.

I decided to serve it with a drink, so I walked to the fridge and scanned it.

I spotted a bottle of apple juice. I pulled out and 2 glasses.

I poured an even amount into both and placed them next to the waffles.

"Done." I dusted off my hands and carried them to the table gingerly. Not wanting to spill anything.

I suddenly heard footsteps creeping up behind me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin only shoulder.

"Smells great baby." He complimented.

"T-thanks Sehun-ah." I blushed deeply.

We sat opposite each other and started eating.

I stared at his face for a few seconds and he smirked.

"Do I look that good?" He chuckled.

I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks.

I looked down and nodded slightly.

After we finished eating, we placed the dishes into the sink as Sehun went to grab his bag.

"Note to self, wash the dishes today." I sighed intently.

I gasped as I thought about yesterday:

"I'll give you until tomorrow night to think about it. Text me when you've made up your mind."

A tear slipped as many more followed. I fell to my knees, hiding behind the counter as I sobbed.

"Baek? I have to go now." He called- which seemed a bit far away.

"Baek? Where ar- Baek! Are you ok? Please tell me what's wrong. Oh no. I'm sorry. It was my fault wasn't it?" He worried.

I shook my head furiously and hugged Sehun.

"W-what do I do? I have to make up my mind today," I sobbed.

"Baek, baby. You can go back to your family but I promise I will visit you." He said, sadly.

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