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-y'all just a q. Should I do a text ff?-

ALSO—— It was ya author-nim's birthday last week !! 😁😁💜 sorry I couldn't update tho. Coz I had a writers block and couldn't write.


It's been a few months since Taehyung and I made up and to be completely honest, I'm starting to have feelings for him.

"Hey Lu. Can we hang this afternoon?" Taehyung asked, slinging his arm around my neck, snapping me out of my trance.

"Uh, yeah sure." I smiled, proceeding to slip a lollie into my mouth sneakily.

It was the end of lunch 2 and Taehyung and I had started walking to our class, which we were both in.

We walked into the art classroom and sat at a table of four, Jimin and Jungkook soon joining us.

"Okay class, today we will be starting a new assignment, and by the way, you all did amazing on your first task!" The teacher gasped in delight.

"You'll have your results by the end of the class. Your new task, will be held in groups of four, no more, and you will have to create a poster for this weeks music concert, and everything relevant." Mrs Wang exclaimed happily.

Our group slowly started planning our poster.

"Okay so, we'll make it one meter long by 0.5 meters height." I explained as Jungkook started sketching.

After Arts class, we walked into our digital technology classroom, as I received stares from everyone.

I gulped slowly and sat down in my seat, everyone still eying me when the teacher suddenly coughed, gaining everyone's attention.

"Today won't be anything special so don't get your hopes up. We're just copying down some notes and following the coding tutorials." Mr. Park explained.

We all nodded and logged onto the computers in front of us, opening up the word document of the instructions to follow.

The rest of our last period was boring as always.

Once the bell has signalled, everyone rushed out of the classroom, begging to go home.

I was about to leave after everyone else, after I had put the keyboards on top of the monitors along with the mice.

"Luhan? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Mr. Park requested.

I nodded slowly, taking a seat in front of him.

"I'm sure you've seen all the stares you have received and have no idea what's going on." He started.

I nodded my head but stayed quiet as he continued.

"There are rumours going on around the school, saying you are Byun Baekhyun's brother." He explained.

"Is it true? Are you Kim Taehyung's ex's brother? Are you dating Taehyung?" He bombarded me with questions.

"Mr park, please slow down. Yes, I am Baekhyun's brother, what's bad about that? And no I'm not dating Taehyung." I mumbled, glancing up at the teacher.

"You see, Luhan. Taehyung was the school's biggest playboy. Atleast a new girl every week." He stated.

"He stopped, once he heard that you, Baekhyun's brother, had entered this school. He thought he would have no chance with you, after your brother. But seems as if you two are pretty close. I'm only warning you Luhan, if you do date him, don't be surprised if he dumps you or cheats." Mr Park finished, standing up and leaving the room.

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