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I giggled as Sehun took some of the frosting from the bowl and smothered on my nose.

I wiped it off and put my finger in my mouth, tasting it.

"Mm. Taste like lemon." I giggled.

We continued making a mess, aka frosting the cupcakes.

After we finished frosting the 12 cupcakes, we grabbed one each and ate them with delight.

"Mmmm. Delicious." He praised.


It was night time and I was sitting on Sehun's bed, using his laptop.

I had searched up and applied for some jobs, needing to have an interview with them within the next week.

Sehun suddenly came into the room and I got frightened, shutting the laptop lid quickly.

"Whatcha doin baby?" He asked shuffling closer to me.

I lifted the top of the laptop and logged back on.

"Applying for a job sehun-ah. We can't have you doing all the work." I smiled.

"You don't have to." He exclaimed.

"I don't want to be bored all day at home while you go to school and work for money. It's not fair Sehunnie." I pouted.

He sighed in defeat.

"Ok. What have you put on your Resumé?"

I handed him my sheet or paper with information on it.

Byun Baekhyun
Age: 18

Former jobs: None
Hobbies: Listening to music, hanging with friends, baking.
Interest: baking/cooking, singing.

Education: Seoul High School

Admirable traits: good singer, playfull, baking.

He nodded his head multiple times as I stared with nervousness flowing through my blood.

"You really like baking don't you?" He chuckled.

I blushed lightly and nodded my head.

"Where have you applied for?" He asked curiously.

"B-Baker's Delight." I replied embarrassed.

"When's the interview?"

"Next Tuesday morning." I mumbled.

"I'm so proud of you baby!" He hugged me.

"Thanks Sehunnie." I replied to his hug.

He gave me a light kiss on my forehead and I giggled.

I closed the laptop again and placed if on the bedside table and lay down on the bed, snuggling my nose into Sehun's chest.

"Goodnight." He whispered into my ear and turned off the lamp.

"Night night." I yawned.


I woke up then next morning and saw no one next to me, meaning Taehyung was already awake.

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