Part 129 - Dark blue eyes

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Morning! ☀️
First of all, I want to share this amazing picture. It made my heart warm, thank you so much ThtTrashcan ❤❤

 Now, I want to thank DeIiriousOwI 0MrBrightside0 For making this chapter possible

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Now, I want to thank
For making this chapter possible. They're the sinners who wrote this and I'm in love with the way it's done.

The last thing before you continue. I want to warn you... this chapter is not a lovey-dovey stuff, ok? Jonathan is gone, Kinkylirious is in control.

So if you're uncomfortable with the topics like: rape, dirty talking, humiliation etc., you're free to skip this chapter. I won't blame you, really.

Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
I arrived home with a good mood. I was so happy Delirious was ok, alive. The only thing was to wait.

I heard a door slammed and I turned my head around. My heart skipped a few beats, I wasn't sure if I wasn't dreaming. He had an insane look on his face with the biggest grin I've ever seen. His eyes were showing mischief and I didn't know what to expect from him.


He moved towards me and pinned my arms at my sides, I wiggled around, and he only tightened his grip. It was so weird, I never expected this from Jonathan.

I looked back into his eyes and recognized a darker shade surrounding the usual light, flowing color of the sky. He was staring me down and I thought back to what Tyler warned me about.

This isn't Jonathan, it's Delirious.

I immediately fought against his vice grip on my arms, he held me against his chest and ran his fingers up my arm. I struggled in his hold and he kissed the side of my face, moving down to my jaw.

"God, you're so beautiful. No wonder Jonathan likes you."

His voice was darker and more rough than usual. It turned me on, and I cursed to myself for finding it so sexy. I felt his tongue on my neck and I whimpered once, falling under the spell of Jonathan's moves.

"S-stop, y-you're not Jonathan!"

His eyes met with mine and I tried again to break free, he only pushed me against the door behind us and shoved my arms onto it. He held my wrists in place above my head, caressing my cheek.

"I'm not Jonathan, but I'm sure I can make you feel ten times better than he already has."

My eyes widened and he looped his finger in my belt.

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