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I small dim light flickered in sight. Everything hurt. I couldnt move and I couldnt think straight. Very slowly the light got bigger and wider, but still very blurry.


“ASHLEY!” I heard dad scream in joy.

Someone grabbed my hand and lied thier face into it. I heard tears of joy stream down Dad’s face.

I tried to say ‘where am i’ or ‘what happened’. I couldnt remember anything at all, It felt like I was reborn into another world. It felt as if I was dead, and starting a new life.

“Your gonna be ok.” I heard another voice, but it wasnt dad’s voice.

“Your lucky to be alive.” Another voice said.


“You will have mayjorly blurry eyes for a few days,” a voice said, “But you are in a hospital and you were in a struggle a couple days ago, and you most likely wont remember it, but I am your temporary doctor Mr. Pulaski. Many people are looking after you and trust me; you will get to know us all in a while” A voice said.

“Waa… haa….” As I tried to ask what happened.

“You will not be able to speak fluent words for a few days but we will tell you more about what happened when you are able to react, because depression at this stage of weakness can kill someone.”

I felt dad’s hand squeeze my hand hard.

“I went back home and packed your clothing and things you would need.” Dad said.

I freaked out. I forgot to clean my knife that night! And it was in my drawers so he could of saw it. They all left the room exept for my dad. I freaked out even more because now would be the time he would want to talk about it.

“And by the way, I found that knife.” I heard dad’s disapointed voice.


I couldnt say anything. Even mumble something. I was scared he would get mad at me or something. But he sounded understanding also. I lied there and we sat there in silence for minutes, and eventually he just stood up from his seat and left. I might of couldnt of said anything, or see, or move, but I sure could think. Unfortunatly. I thought about it for a really really long time and sat there and lied there forever. Minutes turned into hours. I struggled in my head as I tried to think of something else to think of. Soon enough the doctor came in and shoved a mask into my face. What the heck?

Everything turned dark again and tons of people ran into the room.

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