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Things blurred in together, and everything felt so real. I was in a black page, just standing there.

Then out of nowhere a girl that looked exactly like me flew over to me.

“Well I thought you would never come to see me” She smiles.

“Who are you??”

“I am your best friend. I am your only way out.”

“The voices..” I whisper, and she hears me.

“I am just trying to save you from what is reality”

I look up at her, her skin practically white.

“You know no one likes you.”

I frowned. She was trying to pull me in.

Then I remembered something.

“The guys love me.. As a friend you know.”

“They just want to give you sympathy, they dont truly care about you, you know that.”

I stand there.

“You will never forget your old parents. Wont you.”

“No. I need to FORGET THE PAST” I remember Adam saying that.

“Your bringing up Adam, huh?” She floats slowly closer to me, with a creepy smile on her face.

She points a finger to a cloudy image of Adam.

I squint, trying to see the image.

“You killed Adam.”

I see the image. He bleed to death.

Immediatly I start breaking down, not controlling it.

“Oh my god LEAVE ME ALONE”

“You cant make me..”

“UGH!” I grab my head, trying to ignore her.

“You know there is no one to love you now.. You killed the only one that ever HAS loved you. It proves how much of a good person you are.” She gets closer.

“Take my hand and I will bring you where you belong.”

“Really? Where do I belong?” I look up.

“Up in heaven. Where you can be happy and forget EVERYTHING. FOREVER.” She reaches her hand out.

“Ugh. NO! I CANT!”


Where was everyone? They said they were going to be there to save me.

“You were right. You knew all of them would leave you to die.” She completley read my mind.

I closed my eyes.

I hear a faint singing from a really long distance.

“No time for goodbye, he said, as he faded away.”

I look up.


“NO! HE IS DEAD!” She gets really angry out of nowhere.

“Dont put your life in, someone’s hands theyre bound to steal it away.” It gets louder.


“UGH! HES COMING!!” The other me grabbed my shoulder and started dragging me away into a lighted tunnel.

“LET GO!!” I reach for something to grab, but it feels like Im floating.

“ASHLEY!!” I hear Adam really close.

He runs up and grabs my foot, trying to drag me back to the ground.

The other me turns her head, her face is now evil, with red eyes and black skin.

“HELP!” I get out of the dream to Adam catching me from falling to the ground.

“Woa.. Are you okay??”

“I was asleep..”

“I think you were uncontious.. You were trying to find some kind of belt..”

“I was dreaming.. She was there..” I rubbed my head, noticing it was throbbing really hard.

“You saved me..” I looked up at him, and he pulled me back up to my feet.

“You are okay now.”

“I dont want her to come back..”

Adam hugged me as I shivered, imaging her face.

“It was just a dream”

World So ColdМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя