Once More

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It was the middle of the day, and I found myself in Adam’s arms again. We were dating, and everything was back to normal.

It felt like nothing happened, exept I was way more happier. I just had to realize that I was surrounded by friends that would never leave my side, and a caring family that will always be there for me, present or not.

I had to realize that no one doesnt have a place in life. I had to realize that I dont need to be that way.

Ever since a dream I had one night, the voices in my head didnt come back. They were there, but they were very weak. They will always be there, you just have to ignore them.

Everyone, the guys, my dad, they all helped me through the voices. And they never gave up on me. Even when things got really rough.

Even when I left them, because my voices pulled me away from them.

The voices were wrong about everything.

I was loved. People care about me. I had friends. And I do have a place on this earth.

I snuggled in deeper into Adam’ arms, feeling his chest go up and down.

I was really relaxed. I could lay there with him for days. Maybe even months.

I thought he was over with me. I difinetly was not over with him.

We all sat there, waiting to get home.

“OOOH” Brad pointed at Neil, showing that he beat him in a game on the tv.

“UGH” Neil almost throws the controler, but he calms down.


“You are SO on.” He clicks something, and they both move joysticks and hit buttons like crazy.

We all watched the screen, and of course Brad wins again.



“We have to stop for the 3rd one! It came out 3 days ago!” Neil jumped up.

“Maybe, but we have to keep moving. Its been way too many stops. We should of been home by now.

“Hey. At least we have Ash again.”

“Still, if we did stop for Ashley that one time, we should of all been home by then.” Barry looked at them.


“We can get it at a store when we get HOME.”


They played again, and Brad won again.



“Let me try” Adam reaches his hand out to Neil.



“I can beat him. I can beat ANYONE” Brad sticks his tongue out at Neil.

“Oh I DONT THINK SO. He got a highscore in nationality to 38th place!”

They start a game, and Adam automatically wins.


“YOUR DAMN STRAIGHT.” Adam laughs at Brad.

“THE NEW KING” Neil pretends to kneel at Adam’s socks on his feet.

“Its not THAT big of a deal.” Adam hands the controller back to Neil.

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