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2 years went by pretty slowly. I held my bear tight, wearing my hat that was given to me from Brad, the ripped jeans from Barry, and wearing my Three Days Grace shirt from everyone that I got from Spencers, all gotten years ago.

I folded clothing from dressers and closets, putting them in suitcases. I folded one last clothing, and placed in my suitcase, and zipped it up. Looking around at my empty hospital room, It felt like I was moving. I sat in my room for my Dad to pick me up and drive me away from what felt like my home.

I opened my phone, and plugged my headphones in and stuck them on my head. I played my song, that Adam recorded and turned into a really popular song.

He was right, its never too late.

I got out of this hospital, and Im going to live normally for the rest of my life.

I lied in my bed one last time, and I sat on the windowsill, and moved around, and soon enough I was swinging around, singing along to a song on my phone.

“ALL I WANT IS A LITTLE OF THE GOOD LIFE, ALL I NEEED, TO HAVE A GOOD TIIIIIIIME, THE GOOD LI..” I was interupted by Pulaski entering the room.

“Look at my favorite patient dancing around, being able to run and jump, and have a good time.” Pulaski said, trying to hold in tears.

“You have to leave me” He said, breaking out in tears.

I hugged tight, trying to let him know he will see me again some day.

He gave me my last dose of pills, and I took them proudly.

“You have to know you are my favorite, right?” Pulaski said, wiping the tears off of his face.

“Of course.” I smiled at him. He smiled back.

He gave me a pin that he had on his jacket.

“To remember me.”

“Please dont forget me”

“I promise”

We hugged again.

Dad came into the room.

“Come on honey” Dad said. As he waved me over closer to him.

I gave Pulaski the biggest hug I have ever gaven him, and he started crying again.

“Bye Ashley”

I waved as we walked out of the room and into a car. Pulaski watched and sobbed through the window as we drove off.

Man have I been saying goodbye to lots of people who mean alot to me.

And man have I been crying alot too.

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