The Night (Adam's View)

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We pulled into an intersection, and we parked in a lot.

“No luck..”

I cried my eyes out. Where the hell could she be? She could be already dead by now.

She doesnt know how badly I need her.. She thought she was ruining our lives.. In fact, she was doing the complete opposite.

“We need to go to sleep guys, its 12” Barry frowned.

Brad, wiping a tear from his face, slowly walked upstairs.


We all run upstairs.

“OW” He rubs his popsicle nose.

“Ash says not to touch it”

“Oh..” Barry takes out a few pain pills and hands them to Neil.

Neil swallows them, and lays back down.

“Just stay in your bed, its midnight anyway”

“Where’s Ashley?”

We all look at eachother, and I start crying again just at the thought of her out there.

“She ran off..”

“What?? You mean she left us?”


“Oh man….. Its all my fault.”

We all look at him.

“No, its mine. Im the one that over reacted, and she thought she was taking over everyone’s life..”

No one speaks, and I start to cry again. Man am I a wuss.

“We better get to bed so we can look for her more in the morning”

“Okay” Brad turns off the light, and we all try to sleep.

I sure didnt sleep. My eyes streamed hot tears down my face until my cheeks were raw.

I stared at the empty bed, waiting for her to just appear in it, asleep, happy.

That was what at least I wanted to happen, but it never happened.

It probably wont ever happen.

My eyes got really heavy, my eyes burned, and they slowly forced themselves closed.

That night I had a dream.

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