Adam's POV :)

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I held Ash in my arms, never letting her go.

I held her as she rested her head in the crook ofmy neck.

I kept on smiling behind her back, noticing how different she was when I last met her.

She was in a hospital bed, scared, and alone. She needed a friend, and she almost killed herself. Voices took her away from us, and it made her miserable.

Now, she is COMPLETLEY different.

I like her this way.

Shes happy, and she doesnt act really depressed anymore. I mean, sometimes she was crying ofver her past every once in a while, but now she doesnt show thst emotion at all…

Everyone is happy now. Ashley, Brad, Neil, Barry, and definetly me. I can tell.

And that night, we did nothing she has ever done before.

She lost something that she can never regain back. And she chose to gave it to ME.

And now I can tell she will never leave us, and that she WILL keep her promises.

She would no longer hurt me, and I will no longer hurt her.

We both are SO lost in eachother.

And I hope that never changes again.

And I know, fortunatly it wont.


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