The Real Me.

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Last night, I lost my virginity at 23 years old.

It was my birthday today, and now Im 24.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH” Neil comes in for a hug, and I hug him back.

“Thanks Neil” I smile.

I looked outside the sun setting, and we all had the best time.

“Ya know, my birthday is next month, May 25. Ill be 26.” Adam drinks the coke in his hand.

“Come on. My birthday is in december!” Neil frowns.

“HA. Mine was in Febuary” Brad laughs.

“Oh shut up.” Neil rolled his eyes.

The lights dimmed, and Barry sat down at the table and lit the candles onto a cake.

“Oooh!” Neil sat down, and Brad followed.

I sat down, and Adam sat across from me.

The candle lights flickered, and they all bgan to sing.

“Haaapy birthday to you” Neil started.

“Haapy birthday to you” They all join in, exept for adam.

He looks up at me, his face was lit from the candles, and he smiles.

His smile was so sweet, I smiled back.

“Happy birthday dear aaaash” Adam joins in finally, his voice pure.

“Happy birthday to you.” They all smiled as I blew the candles out.

The light of the moon shined through the windows, making it the perfect light for us, so we kept the light off.

Adam got up, and took a knife and cut the cake, giving everyone a piece.

We all had TONS of cake.

Soon enough we were outside, all sitting on the balchony.

Everything was so perfect.

The moon shined down on us, and we talked and had a really fun time.

“Hey, I gotta suprise for you” Adam took out his guitar out from its case, that he brougt up with him.

He started playing it, and he smiled.

It was a familiar sound, but I havent heard it in forever.

“This world will never be, what I expected” His voice was amaxzing, better than the recordings.

“And if I dont belong, who wouldve guessed it.”

I smiled, and a tear fell down my face as the huge flashbacks came back to me.

Pulaski, my dad, everything.

Then Adam, sitting on the windowsill of the hospital room, singing Never Too Late.

“Even if I SAAAAY” His voice raw and emotional.

Neil started hitting the table with his hands, and Brad and Barry was playing thier own instruments they had without me knowing.

“ITLL BE ALRIGHT” A tear slowly fell down his face, showing the emotion, and the flashbacks that he had.


“NOW AND AGAIN WE TRY TO JUST STAY ALIVE” His voice was ecoing, his long notes so pure it was crazy.


He looks at me.

“Its never too late” He makes the last few words very emotional.

I stopped myself from crying, and I smiled.

“Happy birthday ash” Adam said my nickname that everyone called me, and it made my heart swell.

“Thank you guys” My voice was still quiet, and sounded sad because of the crying.

They all got up and lifted me up from my chair and hugged me.

THEN was when I noticed that I had a real life ahead of me.

I smiled, and felt Adam’s hand reach through everyone and hold my hand.

My voices were ALL wrong. I had a WAY better life now, and I jusdt had to move on.

I suceeded.

The voices never came back after that day, and I was no longer depressed.

Depression took over too much of my life.

But now I had friends.

They werent just friends, they were my FAMILY.

And everything was so much happier.

Ever day I got to come home to a kiss, and the joy of friends being around.

I was no longer alone.

I had a new life ahead of me.

The scars on my body left as a reminder of my past.

And I had to notice,

Hey, I didnt live in a world as cold as I thought it was.

I didnt live in a world so cold anymore.

And I will never come back to that world again.

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