Memory Problems

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I slowly opened my eyes again, This time I could see! I rolled my eyes around in my head. But why did THAT happen?

“Well well well. Look who woke up.”  A man turned around and looked at me with his huge blue bulging eyes.

He freaked me out a second, and then I smiled and actually out loud laughed! I could express my feelings. Finally. Yeesh.

“What?” I said in testing if I could speak.

WOOHOO!! I could speak!

I flung my arms over my head and smacked the doctor in the face.


I laughed so hard, the doctor laughed with me.

“You are healing pretty well after the surgery.”

The doctor wrote something on a piece of paper.

At least I could move.

“I, am Mr. Pulaski. I am your main doctor and I think we will get to know eachother pretty well.”

“Ha, Ive already made a bad impression by smacking you in the face.”

“Oh dont worry, trust me I like you already.” Pulaski grinned with a really wierd smile smeared across his face.

He pushed his glasses up and continued to write things and walked out of the room. From then on I knew I was gonna be in here for a really long time. But for what? What did I do that made me stuffed into all of this mess? I tried to remember for a while but I just couldnt remember. I grabbed my phone and unattached it from the charger that my dad generously attached it onto. I looked around and got into my text messages.

It was the messages I texted to ‘Love’, but it wasnt recent. It was from last year.

Love: I wont believe the rumors.

Me: Do you promise

Love: Yes

Me: I hope you are as good as you sound

Love: Lol trust me I promise

Love: I love you too much to believe them

Me: Aww I love you too

Things faded into place. I tapped on read more. These messages were from 5 months ago.

Love: hey

Me: Hi! Today was probably one of the best days of my life

Love: It was one of mine too. I think I know why lol

Me: yea. Did you know you gave me my first kiss?

Love: At this age?

Me: Yea. No one really loves me. Exept you

Love: That kiss was the best

Me: I agree, Ill remember it forever.

Love: I will too.

Me: I got to go

Me:I love you very much

Love: Love you too

Love: See ya tommorrow

More things faded into memory. Something happened with this relationship. I know it. I tapped read more.

It was the text that formed my memory completly. The text three months ago.

Love: Im starting to believe the people.

I stopped reading. The pain struck me hard as the full memory placed an image in my head. Me, hanging myself.

I remembered everything. I was extremely suicidal. I would be dead without my dad. He knocked down the door to save my life.

But I was suicidal. Maybe I can fix that.

But how?

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