Chapter 44

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Bayne's POV

The whole time Josh was carrying me back to the house I was screaming. This was worse than the pain of being in heat, I felt like my body was being ripped apart from the inside out.

"He... he wants to take them away..." I couldn't keep my voice steady and my pain was clouding my mind. I knew Josh had me, but I didn't know what they had done to keep Sercko away from my babies. "You can't let him take them... AHHHHH! JOSH!" I felt tears slip from my eyes and down my cheeks. I held onto Josh's shirt as he ran faster to the house, he told me we were almost there, that this would all be over soon. The rest of the trip to the house was a blur, I didn't remember being carried into the hospital room or being set down on the examination table.

"Okay... we need to get her to deliver the babies as quickly as possible or they'll suffocate." I just barley heard Zackary say. I felt him cutting away the leggings I had on and put a blanket over my exposed body.

"What about an epidural? Don't you give those to the mothers to help with the pain?" Josh sounded panicked and gripped my hand to try and sooth me. His free hand came up and stroked my hair when I let out another cry from a contraction.

"An epidural won't work... her metabolism is too high she'll burn it off in minutes. She's going to have to go without." Zackary was talking as he got my legs situated in the stirrups.

"Aiden... where's Aiden?" I panted before screaming again.

"AIDEN!" Josh's voice practically shook the house when he bellowed but it got Aiden into the room.

"I'm here... I'm here!" he said as he came over to the other side of me. He grabbed my hand and started petting my arm. Zackary had moved down in between my legs to check on the progress of the babies.

"Okay, Bayne push when I tell you." I nodded and waited for his word. I felt a contraction worse than the ones I had experienced before and cried out in pain. "NOW!" I followed his instructions and pushed as hard as I could until I had to stop to take a breath. I got a couple pants in before I was told to push again. This went on for what seemed like forever, I didn't know how much longer I could push. "Almost there. I can see the top of Baby 1's head! One more good push and they'll be out."

"Come on Bayne. One more push baby." Josh encouraged. I let out a sort of battle cry as I gave one last push. I was sweating bullets but I knew that it wasn't over yet.

"And..." Zackary drug the word out as he pulled the baby up to his chest. "Baby 1 is out and it's a girl." I smiled and gave a tired huff while Zackary let Josh cut the umbilical cord then passed my first daughter, who was screaming her head off and squirming, over to a nurse to get cleaned up.

"She's beautiful..." Josh started

"Just like her mother." Aiden finished. I started to sink back into the table when an indescribable pain rocketed through me. My breath was stolen from my lungs as the source of the pain settled in my stomach.

"Something... somethings wrong!" my eyes grew wide as I realized my second baby was in danger. The pain I was experiencing wasn't the same as the contraction pains. "SOMETHINGS WRONG!"

"Bayne, calm down we'll find out what's going on and we'll fix it." Aiden tried to calm me down but didn't do much more than distract me from what Zackary was doing. The familiar cold gel hitting my stomach told me that Zackary was doing another ultra sound to get a look at what was going on with the baby.

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