Chapter 1

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"Happy birthday"
They all screamed as I walked into the house. I wasn't expecting this on my birthday.All these years they used to ask me to treat them.

Oh ,I see my friends too involved in the big surprise. I wondered where they got lost the whole day.I had been calling them since when.Now I see...

" A very very happy birthday sweety.Love you so much!" As mother interrupted my thoughts and kissed my forehead.

The lights were lighted and I could see the living room decorated as if there was some wedding or something.

Oh there is my birthday cake!! I rushed with an overwhelmed me towards the cake only to find out it was vanilla!!
"Oh my God!! Creamy frosting with cherries and chocolate crunch!"
"Yes ,after all its your birthday and we have to take care that atlest you're happy with the cake !!" said Fred approaching me with Wendy and Ayeza.
"Come on hurry up ,we waited for you too long.Here's the knife and there are the candles!"Aze is always hurried when it comes to food ,especially deserts.
Everybody sang and then I blew the candles ;we ate the cake with chips and chocolate smoothies .

It was 12 when everybody left after eating the pizzas we had ordered.Mom went to bed.
Grandmother and I were chatting while I opened the presents.
"They are all lovely.How do you find them?"she asked me.
"Well ,pretty awesome. I don't find yours!"
She laughed and then she picked up a bag from her left and handed it to me and said,
" I waited for the right moment.Happy Birthday !"

I opened the present with utmost curiosity and found a Book.It wasn't a book actually,it was a diary with a brown leather cover and a thick looking lock-like passcode sort of thing.I later realised that it was a coded diary.I curiously asked,
" Where did you get this from and how did you know that I was out of diaries?"
Surely I had a habit of writing everything down since I was 12.
She said something when I was in my thoughts.I heard her say then,
I wondered why she said so creepily.Then Mom scolded from her bedroom,
" Sal,it's morning tomorrow! "
I knew she meant me to go to bed. I kissed Grandmother,grabbed all my present and got up from the sofa.I took two steps and then heard Grandmother say,
"Hope you find yourself as I am up."

Authors note:
Hey readers,
It was the Chapter 1 and I did my best to get it worth reading.
You will find it more exciting when you read further.
Please do vote.

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