Chapter 11

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She started saying,
"As a human , it will be hard for you to believe me.
It is about the diary. I mean your diary...but it isn't yours."

She sighed and said,"I don't know where to start from." I didn't say a word. Everything she said left me in silence and confusion.

"It's a long story. My father, Enchanthios Spellar,was a Troblin. My grandfather was a Goblin and my grandmother was a Troll. Trolls and Goblins stay in the same dimension,but had different motives. My father, being a Troblin, fitted in neither of groups. So he came to the human dimension where he met my mother. Father took mother to the Trolls-Goblins dimension where he heard 'The Whisperer' and his assistant talk about taking over the human dimension. The Whisperer was a Troblin too. But he was accepted by the others. He surely had more magic in him than my father. The Whisperer was the ruler of both Trolls and Goblins. Dad did not wanted that to happen. So he made the book- Your Diary. As he made the book , his power grew each day. It took him 3 human years to make it. I was 9 when it was ready.
It wasn't a normal diary that just granted wishes true. It had a secret that only Dad and The diary knew. It makes wishes come true, but takes something precious of the wisher. Dad's plan was to gift it to The Whisperer so that he loses his magic forever and his plans to take over the humans get ruined.

Being a daughter of a Troblin and A human , I was born very ugly. Mom couldn't see that ,so she decided to wish from the diary Dad made. I became the most beautiful . Before Dad could explain, it was done. The chosen precious thing of Mom was ...Dad.
But before he could die, he wrote in the book-I wish that The whisperer is banished from this dimension,forever. And he died. Mom and I returned to the human world. So did The Whisperer. His assistant enquired our house in the Trolls-Goblins dimension and took Dad's The diary Helphand book. "

She stopped saying. Her head was facing the ground. I guessed that it was it. It sounded emotional and out-of-the-world too. Human dimension,Trolls-Goblins dimension, Magic and the diary and deaths and banishment....ooohhhflasas. Too much.

It then clicked my mind ,so I asked out of curiosity.
"What was in the Helphand of your father?"

She turned towards me. With a serious face ,she said,
"The secrets of the diary."

"Do we know the secrets?"

"Yes . "

"Now what?" I asked, seeing nothing worth saying it to me.

She stared at me and asked,
"You didn't understand anything? I mean I explained you everything and you say 'Now what?'" Her face became inflated red like a balloon. Then she tried to calm down and continued,
"The Whisperer is in this hunan dimension. He wants to destroy the diary. If the diary's destroyed, the wishers die. You die, my mother dies. The wishes are reversed. Which means...."

"...the whisperer goes back to his dimension and plan to take over the human dimension. And you become ugly again." I continued her statement as it clicked me then.

"You now understand." She sighed out of relief.

"But how do I stop him from destroying the diary? I mean he has magic- the mostest of the magic; and I don't even get pocket money."

"No he does not have his magic . The one who come through the Gate of Dimension, sustains power. He was banished. His power is not strong." She halted . Then suddenly looked at me and asked,"What's pocket money?"

I sighed and then giggled . "It's a weekly or a monthly payment received by children from their parents to carry out their own expenses." I explained briefly.

"Fascinating. But this was out of the conversation." She replied.

I wasn't taking it so serious as my brain was processing things very slowly.
Suddenly we heard the screeching sound again.

"Momz calling me.Maybe she found out something important about the diary. I gotta go." She got up and turned around to leave. Just then she halted and said,
"Hey ,why don't you come too? You'll get more aquatinted of what you have to do."

I nodded and followed her, not informing the others. I recalled all what she said and my responsibilities.
I am supposed to stop The Whisperer from destroying the diary. If the diary is destroyed, I die. Also her mom dies. I must not allow The Whisperer go back to his dimension. That happens if he destroys the diary. So 3 reasons for the diary to be kept safe. Well , how is the ....
"Metal. Molten hot metal destroys the diary." She answered my thoughts.

"Yes, I read minds." She answered again to my thoughts.

"So I have to kill the Whisperer?" I asked her in my thoughts,hoping she'd reply.
I waited long. She didn't reply. She can't read minds.

"I can . It causes stress on my mind . Ask me orally, using your tongue "
Okay, that was weird.

" I ask you.... I don't have to kill the Whisperer, right?"

"I don't know. You have to keep the book away from him. If it reaches heights, " she halted and turned to me." kill him."

"What? I .... I don't wanna be a murderer."
"What about you being the victim?" Her words were harsh but correct.

It affects the whole human world and I am the savior. It sounded like I was the power ranger or something. As a whole, it wasn't going to be easy.

Authors note:
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