Chapter 25

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"Ryan is under control of a goblin. We followed him till the Rose garden and there we saw a goblin. It was approximately 4 feet tall and huge in health. The thing is that goblins are now around us- in the human dimension."

Dutches continued as I paused. "Listen guys. This IS hard to hear. But trust me they won't harm us."

"This book... It is about goblins and their nature. It says goblins are unintelligent and foolish. They act on the say of someone's domination." I told them.

I looked over to Dutches. She was in some deep thought. In a second,she bursted out.
"Guys... I have it. The red light's extractions from Ryan's brain. It was a recording."
I looked at her with my confused face.

She then slowed down and said, " Someone is trying to get the information about our school. Ryan's red eyes- they were taping. His whole day at school is been recorded through his eyes. The goblins want the information of our school."

"I get it. They are searching for the book in schools. I am afraid they know that the book is with some student." Wybie showed his concern.

"Then the case must not be with our school only." Jax made a point as she sat down on the bed.
"What next?" Ferd asked.

"Well I don't know. What do you say V?" I asked her.
"Hey, are we upto saving Ryan from that recording thingy?" Maddy asked.
"No." Jax and Dutches screamed together and then looked at each other.
"Yea...We cannot do that." Wybie told us.
"And why?" Wen asked.
"If we try to save Ryan, the goblins will know that we can see them. Ultimately they know the source of the book." Dutches added.
She sure made sagacious point. We didn't want them to know that the book stayed with us.

I got up and neared my shelf to take the diary out.
Meanwhile I heard the others conversing.
"Don't the people on the streets see the goblins?" Maddy asked Dutches.
"No they don't. The one who believes in them, sees them" she answered. "Another important thing is that if you say you don't believe, they pass through you. They cannot harm you. If you believe, you can feel them."
"Crazy!" Ferd exclaimed. He didn't seem to believe the bizarre case. Who would truly, unless a live experience.

I sat on the bed with the book. Everyone seemed to ask what for? I replied to their known silence," Maybe this could give us some... Some clues."
"To..?" Dutches asked.
"I don't know. Maybe what to do next." I was uncertain why I took it out. Maybe because it was all bout that stupid thing.

Jax got up and started pacing in the bedroom. Wendy and Maddy were unsure about the situation too. They started scanning my room. Ferd seemed relaxed like nothing's solemn. He swiped across his cell phone. While Wybie sat beside me, playing with my hand.
Dutches sat turning the pages of the Facts' Book.

Suddenly there was a knock, breaking the ephemeral silence. We looked at the door. Maddy opened it. "No one." She said.
Before she closed the door there was another knock. But this time we recognised it.
It wasn't on the door. But the Window.

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