Chapter 21

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The bell rang and the class dispersed for lunch.
It were three months now. Dutches joined the classroom two and a half months ago. We changed her identity because her name was very suspicious. We now called her Vida. Everybody knew her as my cousin. Also I transformed her pich blackies into dark green. Initially I gave her light green pair of lens. But her natural eye colour made them dark green. She blended too soon with other students. Infact, she befriended more students than I could, when I joined fresh.

"Hey Sally. Lunch together?" Wybie asked me when he saw us getting our lunch to the other table.
"Sure." Wendy replied for all of us.

We sat down on his table. Maddy and Jax were sitting too. Mear's absence tickled me so I inquired. "Where's Melanie? "
Jax and Wybie looked at each other and started laughing. I didn't know what for until later. I saw Maddy's pissed face. She was getting annoyed by them. She then explained me.
"Mears' got a new boyfriend. She'd be hanging out with him today-she said. "
I wasn't totally cleared. As I was about to ask the reason for their on-going laugh, Dutches made it clear.
"Is her boyfriend a nerd and looks like a rat?" At her word, their laugh grew more heavy.
"Yeah...absolutely." Maddy was impressed with the common sense.
I chuckled.

"So what's the new news!" Ferd asked as Jax and Wybie finally quitened.
"Nothing yet." Dutches replied.
"Dut- I mean Vida. What about the diary? Is it safe?" Wybie asked.
I lowered my head and softly answered,
"We hid it in a place where even ghosts cannot be able to find."
"Uhh... Sal... That makes you More suspicious!" Jax made a point.
Everyone nodded. I chuckled.

"Well. We have a basketball match tomorrow. Hope you guys catch up."
"Sure JJ. " Maddy answered Jax.
"Is Ferd on the team?" I asked Wybie.
"Yeah.. Obviously." Ferd replied annoyed.
We laughed looking at each other.
"What is it guys?" Dutches asked. She didn't knew about Basketball and Ferd. So I cleared her up.
"For which ever team Ferd plays, it loses." I whispered in her ears.
"Sorry V. But things ain't that way. It's Shen and not me." I guessed Ferd us.
"But Shen won a match in his grade 8. You didn't won a single match." Jax's words were true. Ferd is a bad luck charm.
"So... Prepare for defeat!" Maddy exclaimed.
"Where are you guys taking us for the DefeatCeremony?" Wendy made a grin and asked.
We smiled while Ferd was annoyed. He left the seat.
"I feel bad for him." said Wybie. So did I.

It was 3:30pm. Dutches and I were standing outside the school for Wen and Ferd. We always go home together. So we waited.
Suddenly something abnormal caught my attention. I pointed out to Dutches and asked her." Is it Ryan?"
"Umm...yeah." She replied. Then questioned me,"Why is he walking that way?"
I was thinking the same. It was weird for a human to walk like he was. He walked straight up- spine straight with his hands in Attention. I couldn't see his fave as he was walking away.
My sight them caught his friends. They seemed exhausted. We decided to go up to them and ask.
"Hey Mort. What's up with Ryan?" I tried to inquire.
"We don't know, exactly." Mort answered, confused.
"Past few days, he's been acting strange. Like something's got into him." Admund sounded sure.
"V? Sal."
I heard Wendy call for us. We headed home, ignoring Ryan's unnatural behaviour.

"We are home Mom."
Dutches and I shouted out loud as we entered. It was pretty fun to do that.
Mother got up from the sofa and headed to hug us.
"My little puppies are home."
She held both of us in her arms and said, "Milkshakes today."

Everyday , after school, she made us some light snack. She didn't like the school hours because it fed us lunch at sharp 1. And as for mother, she had to eat with Grandmother.

As we walked upstairs, we saw James heading downstairs.
"Hey ladies. You hom...."
Before he could say anything, we hushed him up.
"James... Mother is downstairs. Shut up."

Aunt Sarah sent James. She said he felt alone. We combed and gelled James' fur so thaat he does not seem suspicious. Nobody except us knew about the talking-cat.
For mother, he's just a normal cat.

I got out of the bathroom in my towel when I heard my cell ringing. It was Ayeza. I picked it up.
*Hey, Ayeze. How's your cough?*
*What do you think?*
*Pretty hard right?*
*Hmm.... Actually I wanted to meet ya. Having problems in Mathematics.*
*Sure Tell me when.*
* Uh..Sal.. NaniMa is home. You know! I was thinking to meet in the library. If it's okay for...*
* Done then. Half an hour the library.*
*K then... See ya.*

I dropped my phone on the bed and changed. I went downstairs. Dutches was having her milkshake as she watched Tom and Jerry.
I went over the dining table and grabbed my shake. "Strawberry? Love it. Thanks mother." I sat on the sofa and watched the TV.

It was Ayeza. Gosh How can I forget that!!  I rushed to my room, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.
"Hey where are you going?" Dutches asked me when she saw me wearing my jacket.
"Library. Coming?" I always like to have a company. So I asked her.

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