Chapter 28

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"We found them."

I saw the four of them halted in the lane. The armed goblin had the book in his hands. He was pacing around and keeping a track that nobody sees them while the two of the innocent-looking goblins were aiding the injured one. The one that Jax hit with a vase. Poor thing. Jax mustn't have hit him so hard. For a moment,my heart developed pity for them. Then I looked at my injured arm. Oh great. Sally, they are your enemies. Gashh.. It is hurting me so bad.

"Are we waiting for them to move?'' Maddy whispered.
I nodded her back. Then took a support to the wall and sat behind the cans. Jax made some space and sat beside me.
"Have an eye on them." Dutches signalled Ferd and then paced in front of us.

"Hurting?" Jax asked me.
"Well.. A bit." I was uncertain. "Jax? Do you believe me?" That was a random question that came in my mind and I asked without having a second thought.
"You know the best part of friendship? It's trust."
A great answer for the world's worst question. I giggled at the thought of it.

He looked over to Dutches and Wybie. They seemed in deep thoughts as both paced around.


I turned to my left. It was Maddy. She was eating potato chips.
"Look at her. Unpredictable!" Wendy exclaimed as she swiped down her instagram page.
"Right. Unpredictable." Jax and I laughed as Wybie said looking at Wen.

I looked over to Dutches. She seemed solemn.
"What is it V?" Jax asked as he noticed too. Dutches got distracted from her thoughts. Jax asked again, "What is the deep thinking about?"
She crept slowly towards me.
"Sally , remember the guy in the woods? The man you saw while you got lost in the woods."
"Yeah... But what is about him? I mean if you are thinking of a relation between...."

"No. There IS a relation. I don't know how but I guess that person....."
"Was The Whisperer? Right?"
"No Sally. Ugh.... The whisperer is a Troblin and not a human. The guy in the woods was a human. He was after the book." Surely she was correct.

"I am afraid that humans are helping him." Dutches said as she sat down, engrossed in her thoughts.

"I think Vida has a point. Humans are greedy for power." Wybie told us.
"What if The Whisperer is in the form of a human? He does have superpowers."
Nobody replied to me. Everything was getting even more confusing. We had multiple answers for a question, but didn't knew which one was correct. The Whisperer, goblins, good and evil goblins- some tall some short. The book and it's greed. Me as THE guardian of the book. It was just So Much.

"What? Where are they? Ferd. You were supposed to keep a...  Ugh." I heard Dutches yell.
"What. Are they gone?" Maddy's asked as she stood up.
"Move guys. We have to find them." Wybie directed us.

It was just five minutes of halt and Ferd lost the goblins. He had been in his cell phone.
When Dutches realised, they were no where to be seen.

"There. See. I told we'd find em." Ferd pointed out.
We had crossed the first alley. They were not far away. Musta left when Dutches peeped.
They took a left turn. "The alley ends there. Why are they heading that way?" Wendy questioned.
"Well my house is not far away. Anybody wanna have a drink?" Maddy asked. She was now eating Doritos.
We rolled our eyes and sighed. "Will your chips stop making that noise?" Jax asked annoyingly.

We were now peeping again. I could see no way to go. The alley had now ended. There were a few garbage cans and a few large mirrors. They turned around. We hid ourselves.
"What are they gonna do?" Ferd asked.
"I guess they are clearing their way." I told him.

The next thing I saw was them moving swiftly into the mirror.
"Awesome." Wen exclaimed.

The most I understood was that each one said something in other language maybe and then headed inside. They were now completely gone. Into the mirror.

We approached the mirror. Before anyone could make a comment, Dutches said "I believe so I must pass." and put her hand through the mirror. It went straight in.
"Woahh... This is insane." Wybie made a comment.
She took her hand out.

"You speak Goblish?" I asked her. She did hear the goblins say the passing-thing.
"Well  a little." She answered.
"Don't tell me we are going in that thing." Ferd seemed like he did not want to.
"Well whoever wishes to come with me, they say-I believe so I must pass." Dutches disappeared into the mirror as she said.

After her I closed my eyes and made a leap in.

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